Reviews for Who knew?
Artemismoon91904 chapter 5 . 7/8/2017
Aw man this is so cute. I love to see my little baby Reid with a little baby of his own. And the team! Their reactions were perfect. Not a major thing but I noticed how Garcia called Reid 187 and I don't think that happened canonically but I really love it (sorry if it is canon and I missed it :/). But basically you're an amazing writer and your characters are spot on and your OC abilities are incredible (evidence from fics other than this one). Highest of praises to thee, and I will be finishing reading this asap. I can't wait for the time to just stare at my screen and lose myself in your words.
falconer54 chapter 7 . 7/29/2016
I think the rest of the team should get to know Charlie some more
soccer is the best xoxo chapter 6 . 6/6/2016
soccer is the best xoxo chapter 4 . 6/6/2016
soccer is the best xoxo chapter 2 . 6/6/2016
i loved it u are a great writer
aoslover2001 chapter 7 . 5/20/2016
Hopefully nothing bad happens great story update soon
Bohogal1998 chapter 6 . 5/16/2016
I love oldies too! My fave group is the Seekers.(Georgey Girl? I'll Never find another you?)
Bohogal1998 chapter 5 . 5/16/2016
um I just have one comment on this chapter. The team is from the USA in Virginia so they wouldn't use pounds. They'd use Dollars. Pounds aren't the currency here in the stores here wouldn't take pounds. Are you from England though? That's so cool!
Bohogal1998 chapter 4 . 5/16/2016
The only thing I didn't like is that she called him Spence. That's JJ's special name for Reid. She's supposed to be the only one in the world who calls him Spence. As for her becoming BFFs with Pen or Emily shouldn't she be BFFs with someone her own age? They should be more like her favorite Aunts like JJ is. And yeah. Tammy Should meet the team!
tannerose5 chapter 7 . 5/16/2016
I don't trust the new girl Charlie met.
Beachgirl25 chapter 6 . 5/7/2016
I think Reid and Charlie should spend time together and connect... Maybe then she can spend time with Morgan and Rossi ... I like those two as Godfather and Grandfather figures I think the bickering between the two especially as she becomes a teenager would be LOL funny! Can't you see those two spying on her dates! I know maybe she can develop a school crush now, get her heart broken, talk about with Reid thus they bond and then she calls him Dad for the first time... meanwhile the dynamic duo ( Morgan and Rossi) are looking up all girl school with high security to prevent this from happening again! LOL some of the names OUR LADY OF CHASTITY,- listen to this Morgan this school is great the girls have to take regular health exams to ensure their purity, and they receive 4 hours a day teaching in why you should avoid sins of the flesh! They only have two spots left! Can you believe it? My next choice is Our Lady of Purity but they only receive 2 hours of extensive teaching against sin ...huh says something about meeting states standards in academic areas I bet that is why they have more openings! However, this will probably appeal to Reid more. Morgan said ...what about security! Do they have cameras, high walls with barb wire, attack dogs to keep the boys out! LoL
TazzieLuv13 chapter 5 . 1/4/2016
They should stray the alphabetization of Reid's books but slowly drift off on to fun stuff like LARPing and random dancing to whatever comes on the radio
Lenika08 chapter 5 . 1/3/2016
me gusta!
Confused chapter 5 . 1/3/2016
Wait, you said that you forgot about stores in America and you said pounds and not dollars. Yet your profile says you live in America. (not to be like a stalker). What's up with that?
ForeverJaggedCSI85 chapter 5 . 1/3/2016
I am loving it so far! Please continue!
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