Reviews for Reconciliation
Smithback chapter 1 . 4/6/2017
I can’t believe it. This is utterly perfection
GhostKing666 chapter 1 . 2/9/2016
A few things. I would like to point out that pteranodons were not actually dinosaurs. Like mosasaurs, they were their own family of flying reptiles that lived along side dinosaurs but were themselves not actually dinosaurs. They also didn't have feathers though they did have a hair like covering.

Second the issues that Jurassic World had with the Indominus Rex was not actually the fault of the people running the park(except possibly Wu) or an example of how nature is inherently uncontrollable. Claire knew nothing at all about the I-Rex except that the geneticists had dropped all pretenses of making a real dinosaur when they created it. The real people who were at fault for the disaster the park became in Jurassic World were the people in charge of Ingen which had apparently decided to follow the business plans of Umbrella and Wayland-Yutani. From raising the I-Rex in an way that Owen specifically called out on as not the right way to raise an animal, to withholding vital information about the I-Rex and its capabilities from Claire(such as the fact that it had octopus DNA that let it camouflaged itself and also had raptor dna as well) and the crap Vic Hoskins got up too all point out that the I-Rex's rampage was some sort of deliberate live weapons test disguised as park disaster.
Hannah Lynn chapter 1 . 10/26/2015
Could you please message Hannah Lynn McDonald with the link to this story because I would LOVE to read this again. Thank you so much!

*laughing* I'll comment more on this story whenever I access my account again - but your rant on Sarah Hardin? EXACTLY! *grins* Between that scene and the glass window... When I read the book for my brother I was fully expecting to hate her and was very surprised to find out that she was actually one of the best characters!
Sagely Hijinks chapter 1 . 8/26/2015
I use my favorites list to follow stories, so I don't put on one-shots. As a consolation prize, take a review for your wonderful work!
Dr. Valentine chapter 1 . 7/12/2015
Finally, someone who's read the books!
And I agree with most of the things You said at the end.
Does anyone else find it funny that Wu is still alive in J.W. when in the first book he dies?And when they talked about bombing the place when that's what actually happened in the first book was really funny.
Anyway good job, you're a good author. chapter 1 . 6/26/2015
Oh I love this story.
Zexs chapter 1 . 6/17/2015
I really hope that you do a post world follow up
pjw5 chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
I am accepting this story as movie canon; it's that good.
loganhunter2 chapter 1 . 6/14/2015
Dude this is awesome 10 / 10.
Anonymous Rex chapter 1 . 6/5/2015
This was wonderful. I just loved the stuff near the end where Grant and Malcom learn just WHAT the scientists have cooked up this time. XD
Keep writing!
Caelleh chapter 1 . 6/2/2015
Lol at your author's note. It's not strange that the books would be in your head more than the movies. Your brain takes it all in, and if it's more familiar with the books, then it'll just use the movie as a supplement, so you can put a face to the name Grant, or have a mental image of Malcolm as Goldbloom.

That being said, as fun as Crichton's books are, they are all very preachy, and I can't believe you actually read them and understood them at a young age. I was a huge dinosaur nerd and a huge bookworm as a kid too, but I don't think my brain was wired well enough to handle one of his novels. Read it, sure, but understand the themes in it? Nah.

Anyway, very fun oneshot. The fact that it ended on a punchline after such a well done and serious discussion between Grant and Malcolm is kind of a weak chuckle. I thought it was going to be much more awesome than it was, but it was still fun, so please don't take it as harsh criticism. I liked it a lot, and it inspired me to do a bit more research, and I just found out that it's probable all dinosaurs had feathers, and saw some pictures of the Velociraptor Mongoliensis. Pretty sweet dude.
old chuck chapter 1 . 5/29/2015
Oh, I am surprised that someone thinks about the second movie like i do. Except I do like Roland Tembo and a good part of the rest. I happen to like both the movie and novel versions of Malcolm and Grant. This has turned into one of my favorites. The bickering is after my own heart.
Scififan33 chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
Highly amusing piece. After what he went through on sight B I am very surprised Grant ever agreed to work with them or step foot in Jurassic World. I remember seeing Jurassic Park when it came out, I was about 11 and missed the first bit with the Raptor as we were late. My friends, who were male, loved it. I was terrified! I liked it better once I saw it on video and the dinosaurs were smaller. I've never gotten around to reading the books, are they really good? I usually have read books before movies and usually then end up rather disappointed in the movie. I am so happy the new one comes out on the 11th, just after my university exams are finished so I can celebrate by seeing it
nahte123456 chapter 1 . 5/27/2015
I have to admit, I love the Jurassic Park books, I read them after I saw the movies, but they filled in so many plot points that I prefer them. And really Jurassic world seems like it'll be very hit or miss for me(I haven't seen it as the time of this review), Hybrid dinosaur and an already established park? It just takes away several core things I loved about Jurassic Park, the fear and unknown, and several of the moral quandary's. That being said Tis is pretty much how I imagine there reactions to an even stronger, smarter Rex. And I loved it even as I laughed. Good luck and I wish you well.
imortal333 chapter 1 . 5/27/2015
This is great! I'm really hyped for JW! I'm not surprised that even Grant thought that the was a horrible idea. Also, I agree that the book was much better than the second movie. Is this a one-shot, or will we get another chapter where good old Malcom and Grant actually see the ?