Reviews for Carolyn Muir: The Reluctant Astral Traveler
D.W chapter 1 . 11/27/2018
I'm here for you if you need me, sweetheart
Guest chapter 4 . 3/24/2018
Omg! I love it please continue!
deniselynne1966 chapter 4 . 1/23/2018
This was so lovely...wish you would add chapter 5.
nowherenothing chapter 4 . 5/30/2017
really enjoyed your story! more to come i hope!
shersim3 chapter 4 . 10/6/2016
I love this show and the chemistry that was and will always be between Hope Lange & Edward Mulhare. This was a fabulous story & one that I could have only envisioned, never thinking that the show could go to this most romantic place as your story did. THANK YOU for writing this. You took us just enough to get us to that beautiful place that the captain took Carolyn and then to end with the most lovely poem... that as I read it could hear the captain's voice. Actually as I read I heard both of their voices as if their story continued. I appreciate how you captured little innuendo and things that the show used, such as how the captain never liked being called sweet, as well as how he always used females in that old worldly way, almost sexist, and yet because it came from the captain & he WAS from another time, somehow it was ok. You did an amazing job and the continuing story like say... a chapter 5 would be most anticipated and loved if you were to write more.. Long live Carolyn & Captain Daniel Gregg.
Elizabeth chapter 4 . 1/20/2016
THIS IS AMAZING! I am so in love with this! And that poem! Absolutely beautiful!
Daryl Wor chapter 4 . 12/10/2015
Ah, I am curious about the tool he brings out. This shan't be a piano lesson, that's for sure. Still enjoying the trepidation & must give applause for reference to the marlin spike. ;) I'd be keeping my eyes on him too. “scuttling”-nice! Whoah, the shimmer of his eyes… You got this man down! w...o...w “velvet entwined zephyr of his timbre”. (((wiping my brow))) Caught me off guard with that shot of disbelief she'd accomplished anything. (Yes, the reflection in the mirror would make her wonder.)

WOW! Yes- a hug of relief! I'm smiling at what she slowly realizes: that… she… is… in… his… arms. (You weren't kidding when you said you had them locked in a room doing God knows what. My, my!) Love his tug at the earlobe, so fitting, and so him. Trippy; for a second I thought they'd drifted into The Alpines. However, the fascinating environment puts me in the mind of H.G. Wells' writing- spectacular! I adore this walk they're taking- they are truly together. You did it!

Hey, a picnic is sweet & romantic, but of course Gregg wouldn't like being called “sweet”, ha ha. Mmm, Madeira… Yes- now that she is there the ghost IS Mrs. Muir! (so to speak). Holy moly- remembering that date! (((SWOON))) Ooo… here it is (as I read in his voice the other night and just about died!) Only his hands, the image of her beauty, what his eyes see clearer than that which is made of glass… Ohhh, that last line… I need to pick myself up from the floor here.

(And no rush on the continuation, my dear. We will all likely perish if it gets any better than this. *hugs*)
Daryl Wor chapter 3 . 12/9/2015
I'm still with Mrs. Muir on the rush of the Captain's proposition. (Love how you specify that this is part of the third year.) Must have been strange for the household to see her mind so occupied at breakfast. Oh, here it comes, trying to decide on a course of action- even their “good mornings” seem filled with meaning – ha ha to her sleeping will “that remains to be seen”.

What?! She can't? Wasn't expecting that. Oh-P! Pulling out the “only a woman” card. Well played, Captain! (“frisson of impotent ire” & “nefarious smirk” Amazing!) Uh-oh- she agrees and only * then * understands she was baited to do so! Yes, Captain, a woman has every right to change her mind. Hee hee hee on her “feminine integrity as a ploy”. Love his explanation & her detailing his “blasted sincerity”. Hit me with the cerulean eyes again. Very well spaced for an episode. I shall continue tomorrow and bravo!
Daryl Wor chapter 2 . 12/8/2015
Oh goodie- all are off to slumberland while Carolyn & Daniel have their ocean stroll. * sigh * Excellent description of the ocean and night, taking my mind to the beach (which is great because I'm beach-starved at the moment). Wow, the conversation is so spot-on; the teasing back and forth. Oh, here we go with the Captain patting himself on the back, as per usual. Oh, my! That's quite a compliment about her thoughts. And Mrs. Muir's reaction is understandable to be sure.

My! Apologize? Tut-tut, Carolyn- apologies are not the Captain's strong suit. Yes “incorrigible” is the very word. The quiet moment reaching the boulder and moon gazing… so relaxing and lovely.

Good one: “spectral bubble”! Wonderful reflection on her feelings- that mixture of both vulnerability and protection. Hee hee hee to doing his homework and would she expect any less of him? Oh, no! Captain! Not the Egyptians with their seven parts of the soul. We're gonna be here for a week! (I speak from experience.) Ah, good. Back to the teasing great banter on his reading leisure.

Tomorrow?! Just drop the bomb on her, why don't you? I'm with Mrs. Muir in shock. Ha ha! As natural as baking cookies “if cookies had souls”! (((lol))) It is too much and too sudden. Ha ha, “sense of adventure” - perfect.

Wow, powerful end to this chapter, says her first name and will respect her decision, very good & btw, I need this story. You are (re) teaching me things I have to study for my own work. Blessings.
Daryl Wor chapter 1 . 12/7/2015
Already enjoying the sense of gratitude the Captain is feeling here and for Carolyn. Good on him keeping tabs with the weather and charts. Ooo! What dress is she making? (Fun bit about the 1960's: more people making their own clothes and b/c it was * less * expensive back then.) Poor Candy- she need an iPod. Stinks when your favourite tune is whisked away from you. (I so remember bad radio reception!)

Aw, Carolyn singing and Candy thrilled. (I'm getting chills- this is sweet!) Ha ha! Captain “hating this song” he's never heard! Uh-Oh, Mrs. Muir is dancing to the music- untold scandals abound for our man of the 1860's! Love Gregg's memory of the other seaman with a harem. (That's the thing about harems. Too many gals. A lady alone has far more allure!)

I adore Candy & Carolyn here just reflecting on their own enjoyment after the dance, and a bit of disbelief. “Beats the heck out of watching television.” Hey, so does this story. :)

Ooo! The Captain saw her and now he wants a walk on the beach. Looking forward to more. (After this commercial break with that Mrs. Olsen who always carries a can of Folger's in her purse.)
Lisa chapter 1 . 12/7/2015
Wonderful beginning. I especially enjoyed Carolyn's rendition of The Very Thought of You.
Lisa chapter 4 . 12/7/2015
I really enjoyed this. Never having seen an episode of this show, I had no preconceived expectations. I was drawn into the story immediately, the connection, chemistry and attraction between the Captain and Mrs. Muir so obviously there, leaping off the page. I am looking forward to the chapters to follow. Your writing is excellent. I was truly transported to the action and could see it all clearly in my mind. Well done! I am going to go back and read the previous three, as I leapt in here at four.
kittylover9 chapter 4 . 10/28/2015
I love the 's beautiful.
RS chapter 3 . 8/29/2015
I just started reading your story, and I'm intrigued. I hope you'll continue it. I have to find out the captain's purpose, and what awaits both of them.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/3/2015
I'm wondering what the unexpected consequence it good or bad?I'll just have to keep reading.I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter.
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