Reviews for Spirit Keys and Santoryu: An Unlikely Love Story
Uzumaki-kun1 chapter 23 . 6/16/2019
Monkey-D-Raven chapter 1 . 5/6/2019
i thought i should tell you that at the beginning you forgot to add Juveia the water mage
Guest chapter 13 . 4/22/2019
Why didn't Lucy make a contract with Merry's spirit? They could've had her join them for more adventures and considering she's obviously not an offensive spirit Lucy probably would be able to keep her out like she does sometimes with Plue. I feel like this was such a missed opportunity...
AngelAzazel88 chapter 22 . 1/3/2019
Adorable ending for an amazing story 333
AngelAzazel88 chapter 1 . 1/3/2019
I absolutely love the pairing!
BlindKitten97 chapter 14 . 11/21/2018
Enjoyed this fic chapter a lot.
icedshadows chapter 23 . 6/3/2018
MarauderPrime12 chapter 13 . 5/6/2018
Every time I see this scene
jonhenrypenny chapter 23 . 9/26/2017
Really enjoyed reading the story. I'm glad to see a Zoro story end. I've read so many one piece story, because Zoro my main man, that I've grown tired of rereading the same arcs. That's why I enjoyed your story, because you didn't go over every little thing, making the story progress rapidly in a very nice manner. 10/10 :)
Pho chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
Oil, poor Lucy's always in trouble
AliceRose21 chapter 23 . 5/14/2017
Awwwwww love, love, love it!
Rubles the Amazing Cookie Mom chapter 23 . 3/19/2017
Hmm, my review for the story...I'd have to say, I'm more inclined to not like the story overall.
A mistake writers very often do is they fail to list necessary information and embellish their stories because they assume the reader already knows everything that happens in the story. You'd have been able to carry this story a lot further if you included some of the dialogue and events from One Piece.
Another thing, one that's perfectly explained in guineviere's review on chapter 14, is that your combined assuming and lack of embellishment makes this less of a story and more of a magazine article. Throughout the story, it was just "oh, Lucy's here...blah blah blah same shit happens so let's just get it over with but add all the mushy stuff". With barely any real originality, save for romantic scenes with Zoro, combined with how quickly you rushed through the story just to get it over with, it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. Not only did your review to guineviere seem terribly nonchalant, but the fact you wasted this story's potential by doing a 5-year timeskip right before the end means I can't ever find myself coming back to this story...or wanting to read any of your others, seeing as I know what to expect.
I think that you should just stick to pure romance, and short or one-shot stories at that. If there's one thing you do well, it's your romantic scenes. I don't see anything else happening for you, though, unless you change your style and care of writing.
fairytail4life1214 chapter 23 . 3/13/2017
Oh my oh my how was that Soooo awesome? magic? You are really good. this was the best, and especially the plots twists...
Zdraco chapter 23 . 2/19/2017
It's been awhile since I checked this story as well and it's completed omg soooooooo cuuuute. I love how it came out at the end even tho I wished the celestial spirit King somehow made a portal key so they can just travel between the two worlds tho, didn't comment on it earlier but 700 billion or something bounty was hilarious hope u make more crossover stories with Lucy!
Neko Sakaki chapter 23 . 2/13/2017
Hey it me again, but I change my name. My old name was GINGKA. I have a question from someone who read your book but on my wattpad account and ask if there gonna be a part 2 of this story, please answer so your fan won't become a hater.
Ps: Your book was amazing
Pss: You should check for grammar mistakes
Psss: Hope there a part 2
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