Reviews for Kalpa
Guest chapter 30 . 6/19
Idk if u read ur later reviews..

Anyway I love ur story and to respond about screen readers i do use my phone screen reader and sadly it does not mar any difference in what they are speaking either in English or what ever languages. However it does not take away from this wonderful story.. of just pretend since this is in somewhat Harry point of view I pretend they are all not speaking English until they are around English speakers..

Thanks for the wonderful story!
Emporer Bloodfire chapter 10 . 3/2
I'm a big fan of HP/VC pairings, but this just feels rushed and forced. also it feels like that's become the main focus of the story.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/11/2018
Ajit b gohil
Loveless Demon chapter 2 . 3/12/2018
Is it wrong that I did Paarthurnax's voice whenever he spoke? XD
I don't know why but it was really fun to do the whole calm,accented voice that holds a bit of superiority Loved this whole chapter, I'm proud of both Lily & Petunia.
Gamma Cavy chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
Why are all your chapter titles number strings?
tag0 chapter 12 . 6/9/2017
Just as an FYI, that's a very bad way to open a link (assuming I'm understanding what you wrote correctly, that he stuck the scissors into the centre and opened them to push the edges apart from each other), and would tend to lead to weakness in it that could result in it breaking. The proper way is to open it to the side, basically "twisting" it open. An interesting story thus far; the last time I read it, it hadn't gotten past the first chapter with Valdis.
MrBogus chapter 30 . 11/27/2016
I don't get it. This story leaves me quite confused. The story itself was written rather good in my opinion and was rather easy to read, but the plot... oh well... This read like neither a HP nor a ES story. This is a trial to mix them both, but I feel the result was a mix of oil and vinegar. Not easily mixed and even if, only mixed for a very short amount of time. You kept both parts apart unfortunately.
KitkatMoon chapter 30 . 6/21/2016
Awesome story!
ehayes2391 chapter 30 . 5/3/2016
oh, that's marvelous! XD I was all set to wade through tar pits of angst, but then... Wereplatypus? pfffft Magnificent!
Archivest chapter 12 . 4/30/2016
That spell, with its effects, must be one of the scariest ones thus far. I mean a complete stasis-like field, or at least one where the individual under the spell has no knowledge of time passing. I would be more than freaked being hit with one of those spells, and would find many, many, many ways of defending against such attacks in future. I would think that this Harry would feel the same way, being a victim prophesied to face a so-called Dark Lord. We'll see how his reaction continues to pan out, if it does.
Shadowblayze chapter 7 . 4/9/2016
'Republicans. From the South.'

Might be one of your greatest lines ever.
Shadowblayze chapter 2 . 4/9/2016
Patience is not a requirement to be a dark lord.
Shadowblayze chapter 1 . 4/9/2016

You feed my addictions. That is all.
sifshadowheart chapter 30 . 2/1/2016
Wereplatypus, god, that had me in stitches.
The arithmancer chapter 30 . 10/23/2015
Last line made me laugh & laugh. Brilliant
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