Reviews for Just Another Day on the Playground
inuyasha.lover33 chapter 2 . 8/1/2015
Awww! Ritsu is SO cute! And I liked that prince charming kiss, please update?
27lablover chapter 2 . 7/6/2015
Awwww! That was adorable!
It would be fantastic if you continued this!
Great job!
idekaperson chapter 2 . 6/23/2015
Awwwww. It's soooo cuuuttteeeee! I think I'm dying from this cutnesss.

*death by kawaii-ness overload*
Anyway... I would love it if u maybe... Made this a series? Cute little one shots like u said. Maybe have a bit of angst here and there? (such a masochist for doing this to my self)
Visitor chapter 2 . 6/16/2015
Oh your continuing with this. That's cool. Can't wait to see where you take this story. Until next time. Picturing little takano and little ritsu. So kawaii. Thanks for updating
omoufu chapter 2 . 6/16/2015
Yes. I need a continuation of seeing these 2 as little kids. It's seriously too cute, I'm getting moe cooties. I didn't think you would continue this- I'm so glad you did! I would LOVE to see this turned into a bunch of one-shots of them as little kids. And even beyond that- when they're older and fall in love with each other! Augh. I need this in my life.
sakarea chapter 2 . 6/16/2015
i really enjoyed reading this fanfic and i hope you will continue it.
also you did an exellent job with the whole kids topic i actually felt like them both were children.
C'sMelody chapter 2 . 6/16/2015
Yes, very cute indeed. I melted.
I'm all for you continuing this series. I'll definitely read and review! (I can't bribe you any other way, now can I?) ;)
StonyRiddle chapter 2 . 6/16/2015
Omg! this is so cute
you continue..well if you want of course
but gaa ritsu is so damn cute..
Aww if you put an end be funny how grow up ritsu would remember masamune as kids *-*
Aurum19 chapter 2 . 6/16/2015
I love how different they act through the different stages of their relationship.

They are both so cute. I love the whole poking noses scene XD I can see grown Takano doing the same thing as Ritsu gets all flustered. (Maybe you could write about their kid playing in the playground...?)
YaoiandmyPolishPenguinFOREVER chapter 2 . 6/16/2015
so adorable
Guest chapter 1 . 6/10/2015
Hehe, Moony. XDD I seriously don't know what to say here...mostly because other's people's reviews looked much more better than mine...*sigh* Wish i can review as good as them...

All i can say is i really enjoy reading SiH fanfics written from 're really i feel depressed... . I feel like as if my reviews aren't good enough. '- '

Then again, i never knew how it felt to get reviews from your fellow readers since i never tried posting anything what i wrote.I wouldn't call them stories's more like ranting out what my fantasies-and feelings-felt like at that moment.
But i never get to finish them's not like i'm gonna put them anywhere other than in my notebook-where it shall be forever...probably-...

Putting that aside...I shall wait eagerly for another amazing fanfic written from you!

You're one my favorite fanfic writers out there and i have always-i haven't read ALL of your SiH fanfics though...i'll do that when i can though-enjoyed reading your SiH fanfics!Have i already mentioned that before?Hurmmmm...

P.S - After re-reading the Author's note, i'm just like."I did enjoyed it!" :D
I feel so happy now... - Kinda a shame this won't be a real story though.. .
But i shall do my best to respect your actions since writting stories are...hard...right?Right?Right?Writting stories can be hard right?Right?Darn song playing in my headphones messing up my feelings.. XDD

P.P.S - After re-reading my review i can't help but feel very VERY embarrased that i, once again, have ranted about my feelings-that are on a roller coaster trip right now-while writting this review...blame the song my headphones playing! XDD

-An Unknown Reader! :D
C'sMelody chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
Hahaha, this was so fun to read. Your stories always make me smile, they're so cute. :)
Visitor chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
This was adorable. It was good read. Thanks for writing this.
FanficsGALORE14 chapter 1 . 6/6/2015
Aurum19 chapter 1 . 6/6/2015
They are so adorable! The kiss part reminded me of little Akihiko and Hiroki. The whole time I was grinning about how cute it was.

["We'll be friends forever!" Except for that 10 year period when we accidentally break each other's hearts! But other than that, totally!]
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