Reviews for The Science of Love
Firework471 chapter 1 . 4/14
OMG, what did I just read? Estoy escurriendo miel. La amo, voy a leer esto cada que me sienta mal porque es una explosión de cosas super cursis y románticas que me encantan. Owww, me encantó muchísimo. Creo que definitivamente a esa edad todos nos sentíamos así. Lo amé. Thank you, thank you. I'm in love of this ff. 3
Oriana Star chapter 1 . 11/30/2018
Beautiful story! I love this couple!
Avrilgen chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
I love this story! Firstly, I'll flatter your amazing writing, I love the way in which you view certain things and how you manage to put them into perspective of matter, how you're able to idealize this main, basic line of thought into a whole piece coherent and humorous story! Two words: Overall fantastic.
PercyJacksonLover14 chapter 3 . 6/9/2015
OH MY... AHAHAHAHAHAHA! THAT MUST'VE BEEN THE MOST AWKWARDEST THING IN THE WORLD! Poor Pepper! AHAHA! Though I'm surprised Tony hadn't said anything about Howard being in the same room as him... while they made out- intensely. Hehe...

I LOVE THIS STORY. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS STORY! I'm going to read it over and over again, but it's disappointing that I can't review over and over again...

Actions speak louder than words, and so with this short review I hope you understand how much I love this story! ;)
PercyJacksonLover14 chapter 2 . 6/9/2015
Le sigh... The cuteness was overloaded in this chapter. I- sigh... you make this writing so good that my heart aches whenever Tony speaks about Pepper... I just love your stories and I'm just so happy that I'm following you.
PercyJacksonLover14 chapter 1 . 6/9/2015
Oh come on! Tony Edward Stark, get your mind together and MAN up dude! The poor girl is just so upset because you just have so many bad excuses to cover up the fact that YOU CAN'T SAY, "I LOVE YOU!"

She deserves not to make it to date night! You're being a total douche making up stupid excuses! GET OUT THERE AND TELL HER YOU LOVE HER.

Then again, it must be a lot harder than what I think. Anyhoozies... You are back at it, and I am SO happy that you are! Take your time, and don't worry about making the updates. As you can see... I have not updated in over 2 months... All the reason for me to come back and update! Hehe...

You are my biggest role model when it comes to writing! You're awesome! :)
Elinorwrites chapter 3 . 6/8/2015
Ayyyy Dios! Ame esto! Jajajaja, en especial la ultima parte (la diferencia de ser niño y criado por tu papa, si era María; Tony hubiese estado colgado desde el edificio si los hubiese cachado así, jaja) no tengo idea de como lo haces, esto estuvo súper full of feelings desde el principio, extrañaba leer algo así ;)
SilverPedals1402 chapter 3 . 6/7/2015
HOLY PURPLE BANANAS MIXED WITH COWS! That was just FREAKING perfect! I know I said that back on the first chapter, but with it all together like this and that whole part with Howard and Tony and Pepper finding out and that last tidbit...It has become TEN BILLION times more perfect! It's pure gold and perfect on epic proportions! I need to stop. I really do. I need to just calm down and take a chill pill. But seriously, how on Earth do you make such perfectness? It's the best. :)
SilverPedals1402 chapter 2 . 6/7/2015
After a long day(a great day day, actually), this is one of the best things to come home to! And that whole last part with Tony and Pepper's dad was just epic and awesome and everything else you could possible think of because I can never find anything original to say anymore... :P I just love your writing, okay?

Alright, one to the next chapter! WHOO!
Hero of the Multiverse chapter 3 . 6/7/2015
Ah, young love. 'Tis a wonderous thing.
Hero of the Multiverse chapter 2 . 6/7/2015
Here's to Tony! May his feelings for Pepper never die!
Hero of the Multiverse chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
Jeez, he is really having a hard time with this.
Go Chanel chapter 1 . 6/6/2015
YES. . . OH THANK LORD SOMEBODY WROTE SOMETHING! I honestly thought I was going to die, that or turn into a chicken nugget with no dipping sauce.
SilverPedals1402 chapter 1 . 6/6/2015
That was just freaking perfect, okay? Every single part of that was just pure amazingness! I feel that the characters are all spot on too. You always know how to write the best things! I'm VERY interested in what happens next!