Reviews for Fear
gknlfkglsdfgofigjdfgkfsdjghdfs chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
So, having read all of these together I can say that that I really liked the idea.
Each short little insight was true to how I imagine the characters abs I loved how they all had that one little line at the end. There were a few errors with spelling and grammar but on the whole it was very good.
Well done :)
Madilayn chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
Oh very nice! Fear for somebody else is so different for fear for oneself, and I like how you show EOS is learning this. Tiny thing - it's a cable not a capable...
Tikatu chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
Okay, having read all these, I'm impressed. Very good series of vignettes, all tied together with the POV of each character.

If I could suggest a couple of improvements, it would be these: First, go back over and correct your errors in spelling or grammar. There aren't very many, but because each vignette is short in itself, they stick out all the more.

Second, collect all these into one fic, one chapter per vignette. I think it will flow better and present as a cohesive whole.

You're shaping up as one of the better new series' writers. Keep up the good work!