Reviews for Burns
Cute chapter 3 . 7/17
your fanfic!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/6
Well I am crying
AureliusBlack chapter 3 . 7/3
I liked the pacing and dialogue, great story!
anderswrites chapter 3 . 6/30
this was absolutely adorable! it was a bit painful to read, but in a good way! i love how you wrote the characters.
AppleCiderr chapter 3 . 6/30
Awww! I love it! The way they pried the truth out and how Zuko waited until he was alone to break down, and the happy ending with peaceful sleep! Definetly worth the wait!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/22
AppleCiderr chapter 2 . 6/24
Whoa an update! So excited to see this and I like where this is going! I'm curious if they'll find out about how Zuko got his face scar too, and poor Zuko doesn't know what's coming!

Thanks for the update and I'll be waiting eagerly for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/1
I love it DO MORE PLZ ️
Yemi Hikari chapter 1 . 5/12/2019
So, while I like the idea I am not so sure about the execution. Zuko is after all seen a lot without his shirt and yet there are no scars, yet the writer didn't bother setting up anything which would make it so that the readers willing suspense wasn't pushed in that regard and dived right in. Even if that weren't the case, it is still missing the set up and jumps right in.
BendyPen chapter 3 . 12/2/2018
The story is pretty accurate up to the point where Katara sleeps with Zuko. That is TOTALLY not like them! This should end with a mended friendship, not romance. The romance should build up slowly from lots of character analysis and arguments, NOT just one night of a cry- baby Zuko.
Doodlebug chapter 3 . 6/28/2018
:D ;D
PrinceOfUchiha chapter 1 . 7/7/2017
Oh my god I was literally about to cry when poor Zuko was upset. Poor Zuko deserves a better dad than that evil monster
Notlogginginnow chapter 3 . 7/21/2015
This is wonderful. I always love team-fics.
Also, have you considered doing a sequel in which Iroh finds out about the new scars?
Guest chapter 2 . 7/2/2015
This is really good! I can't wait for the next chapter
festiveruin chapter 2 . 7/3/2015
This chapter was good but felt a little choppy and didn't flow as well as the last one. But otherwise, everything else is fine. The characters are in character for the most part, the grammar's mostly correct although you capitalized 'banana' when it shouldn't have been. One /little/ nitpick I have is that you use a foward slash instead of a hyphen. It's not really a grammar error but can be a bit jarring for some readers. What you can do is use 'item A-slash-item B'. It works a little better but it might be best to try to avoid it.

Another thing, while I really love the way you write Toph, the other character's dialogue kind of feels a tiny bit stiff. They're not out of character but it just feels a little off.

Thos are just some nitpicks and don't detract from the chapter itself. I liked the first one more but this one was good too. It just felt a little choppy. That's probably the biggest problem while the other things I mentioned are just little nitpicks. But anyway, keep it up and message me if you want any help or something.

As for your questions if anyone read your profile for updates on how your chapters are coming along, I do read it. You're not just talking to an empty room. :3 This was a lot longer than I intended it to be so I'll just shut up now.
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