Reviews for Lilac
kyil chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
A very well written story. I felt you did Mars character justice by having her place duty over love but at the same time expressing how torn she is by that choice.

The only thing to critic about this story is that some of words/sentences are mistyped, making it hard to figure out what that sentence is exactly saying. It would be great if you go over your story for spelling errors.

Overall a really great story and hope to see more fics like this in the future.
Jakeros chapter 1 . 10/25/2015
That was great, but you need to go back through this and edit some mistakes.
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 1 . 6/20/2015

What Makes A Dad

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer run,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it...Dad.

Happy Father's Day!


Father's are the strength of the family,
To bond us and hold us together.

Always there to mediate the household,
A determined mentor we look to lead altogether.

He's the bodyguard that protects us,
And give us comfort from all harm.

He constantly offers compassion,
Always offering up his arm.

To stand behind us endlessly,
Though at times in darkness we tend to fall.

He always their to guide us to the light,
For us to follow from his call.

With years to come, day by day,
We grow from the nest we grew.

In hope to became something great,
For I hope to someday be like you.

A Father's love is never ending,
Always there with a heart of pure gold.

Happy Father's Day!
i1976 - blu notte chapter 1 . 6/9/2015
I absolutely LOVE Mars/Jadeite.
Great writing, I loved your descriptions ... though I prefer stories with a happy ending (I want Jadeite being revived after Stars and living happily with Rei) :-)