Reviews for Painting the Town
Xana Willam chapter 19 . 7/30
Good story looking forward to the rest
Guest chapter 10 . 12/2/2019
You gotta love how Sun's reaction to almost getting his friends KILLED is to find the whole thing hilarious and try to laugh it off with no hint of regret. He' just like, 'Oh, yeah, I almost get two people killed through my terrible decision making. Pretty funny, right?!"
What a good friend he is. You can just FEEL how much he cares for these two.

Is it any wonder why readers think these people are monsters?
Guest chapter 17 . 7/25/2019
You know, if you removed the arbitrary rule that they could only perform 'classics,' you could have had a scene where Ruby and Weiss realized they're into the same music, which could have helped FURTHER develop their relationship.

But, no, instead, you just continued to reinforce the fact that these people orchestrated (No pun intended) this entire event for their OWN amusement. Seriously, when is that going to get through your head? I'm not reinterpreting anything or pulling anything out of my ass. This is what you've directly shown and told us.
Guest chapter 19 . 5/16/2019
So it's been a year since you said you would be able to start writing again any update?
Guest chapter 6 . 5/15/2019
You know, this chapter would have been the perfect opportunity for you to show how most of the people involved in this actually didn't like treating their friends like crap, showing a bit of humanity in this group of abominations.

So of course you didn't do that! No, you just made their primary concern their codenames and the fricking LIGHTS. Because why the hell should I want to LIKE these people at the end of the story?
Yon chapter 1 . 3/11/2019
I can already tell I’m gonna be hooked on this story, and on your work. I regret nothing. / KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, YOURE SO GOOD AT PORTRAYING THE CHARACTERS JSKDJSKSKSK
JHFTS chapter 19 . 10/21/2018
I found this story extremely enjoyable. You've nailed the characterizations of the four leads, have a great sense for writing humorous scenarios, and have done excellent work juggling the two ongoing stories. Really, the only flaw I could possibly mention is that it felt like the topic of faunus even existing in this setting just suddenly popped up when Tucson was introduced, but it's entirely possible I just missed previous mentions.

It's been more than half a year since your last update, so I don't know if you still intend to continue the story. I know Volume 5's last stretch left a bad taste in most viewers' mouths, and I can't imagine the current state of the RWBY fandom is particularly inspiring. So while I'd absolutely love to see this story conclude, I'd also like to assure you that this story is complete enough as is. Both plotlines have hit what I believe to be their turning points, after all. I'd certainly enjoy reading Blake and Yang turning the tables on this date night or Weiss revealing her family circumstances to Ruby, but they'd just be garnishes on top of the already solid meal that is what you've already written in these 19 chapters.
Sachiel21 chapter 18 . 8/30/2018
Wow this chapter is amazing, your versions of Yang and Blake are really in-character, super on-point. I love how you described Yang's emotional vulnerability and how you weaved in bits of canon throughout the chapter. I'm going to check out your other work. Great stuff!
caci chapter 19 . 8/29/2018
thank you.
sara-nadia chapter 19 . 6/7/2018
i love it update soon please
TheGreenRobotPro chapter 15 . 3/19/2018
Fuck youuuu. You grout back the memories of the Casper slide part 2.
Animelover385 chapter 19 . 3/1/2018
I remember reading this for the first time back in 2016. i was attracted by the premise at first, but I was really drawn in by the writing, how brilliantly you encapsulated all of the characters personalities and their general zaniness. I loved how you managed to weave a world somewhere between ours and Remnant that was a treat to read every world of. I love how you take a wacky premise and you show how these group of girls slowly learn about each other and just enjoy the night. Despite the tense moments, there's always the sense that these poor girls are finally finding someone who listens and helps make them a better person and drive the fears away. So I just want to thank you for this story and letting me come along this journey and watch these girls fall in love. I've never ever written a review for anything I've read but god I had to for this. I've laughed out loud and squealed with joy, had my heart melt to see them learn to trust one another. So please take all the time in the world you need. I've been waiting on one fic since 2013 and I'll damn sure wait for this one. Because the good ones are always worth the wait. Thank you for everything.
Lavender Angel-96 chapter 19 . 2/28/2018
Yay. I'm so happy that you finally updated. And you gave applause Pitch Pitch. Beautiful. It's one of my favorite movie series, so I was so happy when you mentioned it. And Weiss finally having fun. Yes.
And now I kinda want to see Weiss sing with her sister Winter and have fun like she's been trying to get her too. It would be a great bonding experience. I cant wait for the next update.
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 19 . 2/27/2018
Holy crap! You're alive! Lol.
Omg, that was awesome. You absolutely nailed it.
Quite a few authors had issues with Vols 4 & 5. My advice is to remember that as long as you're writing your AU, the characters are how you want them to be. It's your interpretation to use as you see fit. :)
See you next chapter.
Jhawkins253 chapter 19 . 2/27/2018
Hey thank you, thank you, THANK YOOOOUUUU! I have loved this fic since I first found it im not sure how long ago. You have no idea how happy I was when I got the notification in my email. I binged the whole story so far before this one just so I wouldnt forget anything important, and I fell in love again. Cant wait for the next round and keep up the great work!
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