Reviews for A Bridge Between Broken Hearts
Guest chapter 5 . 1/31
Such an intense chapter. One can easily feel the emotion and the inner conflict Chandler face on seeing his 2 best friend getting together. Awesome chapter. Thanks for sharing:)
Guest chapter 14 . 12/13/2018
Just read the story in one sitting and absolutely loved it! :)
Guest chapter 14 . 12/30/2017
Wow! This is the best fanfiction I have read on mondler! Thank you so much for this!:))
erintherese86 chapter 14 . 1/17/2017
Thank you so much for writing this! I love that you've taken the idea of Joey answering the door instead of Chandler and turned it into this. I love they got to go to Greece for Ross' honeymoon!
LuxrayLightning chapter 14 . 5/12/2016
so amazing really loved it
EveEvelina chapter 14 . 4/8/2016
I love this! I love all stories where Monica and Chandler get together even if things don't happen the way they do...
Guest chapter 1 . 12/16/2015
I didn't like Emily. She never should have continued with the wedding after Ross said Rachel.
Then she forbade him to see Rachel. It wasn't Rachel's fault. Emily had no right to punish Rachel. She made Ross miserable.
quarteralien chapter 14 . 10/19/2015
This story is so beautiful. Good use of all of the characters. But of course, angsty Chandler and comforting Monica are the best! Love their happy ending.
C-Rokkk chapter 3 . 8/8/2015
Omg this is so good. I can't wait to read the next chapter. You are an excellent writer!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/4/2015
I was hooked on Midnight Confessions, then came Discovering Us, and now A Bridge Between Broken Hearts. I've read all of these from the first chapter and painfully waited for every single update. They are all amazing and you are a really talented writer who has a lot of ingenious plots that are expanded upon so well.
Singmyangel chapter 14 . 8/1/2015
Oh how I loved that epilogue! As with all your stories, I'm always sad when they come to an end. I can assure you I will be reading this one again in the future. I hope for more if your sweet and so very thoughtfully written work in the days to come.
periodt-ish chapter 14 . 7/31/2015
Oh my god. What a journey. It was such a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your stories. Not complaining, but this one was a little angsty in the beginning but I loooooved it. But, may I request for a one shot fluff.
someone chapter 14 . 7/31/2015
Sooo very nice, I never thought Joey and Monica were together, doesn't suit your stories. Already waiting for more :)
matteney chapter 14 . 7/31/2015
What a perfect ending to a great story! And what a ride it has been! I think you underestimated us Mondler fans, as long as we're assured that they end up together we are pretty much willing to stick with any (realistic) plot, lol! And I love that you have given us so much fluff near the end and that you ended it right here before they go back to "New York time". I am really looking forward to your next piece, may it be up in a week, a month or 6 months - take all the time you need to recover from this project. And thank you again!
Lillywing chapter 14 . 7/31/2015
Im so sad that this is over now! Ive been reading it for a while, and its become one of my favorites!
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