Reviews for Echoes of the Frost
AnonymousMe chapter 5 . 4/20
That is precious. I love your portrayal of little Loki. Thank you for your imagination!
Alexa6 chapter 5 . 6/10/2019
That was lovely!
krola chapter 5 . 2/25/2019
Ehm... why did I take so long to read this? It was Ahauahsbsjnflhwvakgs! The best thing ever. Especially because it's so difficult to find fanfics about Odin&Loki without Odin being a cruel and uncaring father. Anyway, let's talk about the two main parts of this fanfic:

1) Frigga: Someone give this woman an award for best mother. I love how well she knows Loki to the point where she knows he's hiding something. And I am so happy Loki wasn't sexually assaulted here - I don't think I would have been able to keep reading if that was the case, I suffered along Frigga there. I love how you portray Loki in his childhood, like he isn't "Silvertongue" yet, but he will get there and in part it will be thanks to Frigga's advice.

2) Odin: The father-son trip was my favorite part because it's from a time when Loki is still trying to get his father's appoval or admiration. It was fascinating to read Odin's thoughts and how lost he's about Loki's introspecive character. It's interesting once again to see Loki's contradictions - He is shy and too talkative at the same time. I loved to see that Odin was impressed by Loki's clever questions, and we know that cleverness will give more than one headache to Odin in the future. I feel so sad for Odin in the present because he has lost Loki's respect completely - although I think part of Loki still wants Odin to be proud of him. (In the present I mean).

I loved the scene in the dinner when Thor was forbidden to accompany them: it made me think that this was one of the times Thor meant when he wrote in his diary that sometimes he felt Odin actually favored Loki. Do you have in mind other times in which Odin favored Loki in the eyes of Thor? I would love to hear about them!
lordvaatithewindmage chapter 5 . 3/13/2018
Odin and loki finally had some bonding time! Odin really needs to try harder to connect with loki. And that's where lifhilda came from!
foolondahill17 chapter 2 . 1/3/2018
"You could have just laughed at them and told them they were fools" - new head cannon that Loki picked up his propensity for calling people fools from Frigga :)

I really loved this story as a whole. I often stay away from stories about Thor and Loki as children, mostly because, in general, its damn hard to write children authentically, and especially difficult to pull off when there's so much baggage coming in the future - the temptation is to rely too heavily on what-will-come, not letting the what's-happening-now take precedence.

The voice here was very convincing though - all the voices, in fact: Frigga as a concerned, but firm, mother watching her sons move too-rapidly toward adulthood, Odin as a confused, ultimately well-meaning father (the bits about him realizing how much he didn't know about Loki were heart-rending), Thor as the bold, jealous big brother, and of course Loki, troubled and earnest Loki. Thor and Loki felt like they really could be 12 and 11 year-old boys, with all the rambunctiousness, awkwardness, and frustrations that come with that transition age.

And you aptly handled the ever-looming discord waiting for the family in the future. You perfectly balanced the foreshadowing of Loki's doubt about his place in his family while still ultimately allowing him the innocence of being a child.

I can't leave this review without also commenting on your Asgard here. THIS is what I love about fanfiction - the expansion of worlds we only get to catch a glimpse of in the original source. Your Asgard, with its Victory Day, palace guards, horse farms, and multifaceted history with the other realms, is simply delightful. It felt like I'd been scooped out of my bed and plopped right down into the middle of a new, marvelously detailed world. I wonder what kind of research you put into constructing it? I'm sorely lacking in mythological or beyond-MCU knowledge, but I was curious whether you drew much from either. Anyway - you've painted a lovely picture. I've had a fun day immersing myself in it (more reviews to come, hopefully).
Guest chapter 5 . 8/21/2017
This should be "companion" to Beneath
Love your writing
maggietimelord chapter 5 . 4/11/2017
Loki is such a sweet boy. It makes me debate nature over nurture. But, jealousy has already taken root.
occasionallywrite chapter 5 . 3/7/2016
So adorable! Love it.
Daughter of Trickery chapter 5 . 1/15/2016
Plzzzzzzz update it i love it
katrinkam chapter 3 . 1/11/2016
I agree with Frigga. Those boys needed to face the situation; they run their mouths, then the victim hits, and they - 14-year-olds - beat up 11-year old causing internal bleeding.
AvengersLoki chapter 5 . 11/21/2015
Awww. This story was so sweet : ) Yay! Loki got the pony! Its a shame things won't stay like that when they get back to Asgard though, Odin's just too busy...
I really enjoyed reading this story, Loki is so cute as a little kid! Remind
AvengersLoki chapter 3 . 11/20/2015
Awwww. Loki is such a cute little kid *insert awwwww here XD* I want to go to the horse farm too : ( it sounds great! Oh well, I guess I'll just read about it in the next chapter : )

I kinda feel sorry for Odin, he's a good father, particularly for Thor, but Loki's personality and interests are different so, unlike Frigga, he (Odin) doesn't quite seem to know how to interact with Loki. I hope their trip goes well though : )

Off to read the next chapter now.
CreativeReading chapter 3 . 8/30/2015
The scene with Odin and Loki was so sweet that I actually had to put down my phone. I really couldn't bear it. I was just awwwwing so much!

Excellent chapter! Wonderful author!
LingeringSentiments chapter 5 . 8/3/2015
Aww, little Loki got the pony. What a nice ending. Too bad things couldn't remain that way after Odin and Loki went home. I think the part of Odin's introspection that baffled me the most was that Odin couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his two sons may need different things. I guess that's a common mistake though. I think adults often want children to fit in these neat little molds and then are shocked and frustrated when it doesn't always work out that way.
TheKeeperoftheMeow chapter 5 . 7/24/2015
Oh this was so cute! I loved this story!
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