Reviews for Ne Bis In Idem
AllShallFade777 chapter 3 . 8/6/2019
Double dang, just saw this is your only daredevil fic. Curses! Agh, come back and write more...
AllShallFade777 chapter 4 . 8/6/2019
Dang, I just saw how old this story is. :P oh well. Still hoping you come back and finish. In the meantime, I’ll be obsessively reading everything else you’ve posted :D (why do all the good writers disappear from this site?!)
AllShallFade777 chapter 5 . 8/6/2019
This is great! I love your description of how Matt perceives and categorizes pain in whatever chapter that was; very interesting insight. Just all around great job on everythingI am totally invested in the plot and all the little mysteries going on; really hoping to see more!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/3/2016
Are you going to continue this? It's really good and I'd like to see what happens next!
Whumpy68 chapter 5 . 8/29/2015
Oh... this is so damn good! Just have found your story and read it in one go. And now it stops... *cry* No no no! I want to binge watch... read!
I am stoked for your writing skills, that's for sure. WOW. Can't wait for more.
Mmerlin chapter 5 . 8/29/2015
Wow, great story! I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up with everything going on. Sometimes I forget Matt is having problems with his 'world on fire' because I'm too wrapped up in the court case! I love the story and chapter titles. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/28/2015
Yay! I was so happy when I saw this

And he probably is still cute on that table to e honest
SandyEffingFrank chapter 5 . 8/28/2015
Love this fic! Thanks for the update. It's so suspenseful and I'm dying to find out what's happening to poor Matt.
onceuponaprincess16 chapter 4 . 8/13/2015
Matty boyyyyy pls be okay
Konos77 chapter 1 . 8/10/2015
Love this. Please continue! Looking forward to seeing where this is going. Is Matt suffering from some sort of PTSD? Will the Vietnam vet be making any further appearances? Intense and interesting reading
Pineapple Angel 14 chapter 4 . 7/26/2015
Duuuuuude! That is a REALLY intense way to end a chapter! *applause* That chapter as a whole was very intense and well written! Good job! I'm very much enjoying this story still! CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE! :D just kidding.. I can wait a FEW days.. lol take your time.. but I'll be reading!
Pineapple Angel 14 chapter 3 . 7/17/2015
Whoah... This story is amazing! Not quite sure if you're done yet.. But if there is more I will definitely be reading!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/15/2015
Whoa! This is intense and beautiful and intriguing, and I love it! I love the care that Foggy and Karen have for Matt (and that she's figured out his secret), I love the mystery of the case and the characterization of Cecilia Valente, I love the phone call to Claire that bookends this chapter (loved that you switched from her perspective then to his), and I hate whatever is happening to poor Matt and I want to see it fixed! Great writing, great story. I cannot wait for more!
The Homing Pigeon chapter 2 . 6/21/2015
Oh I love this! What's going to happen? I can't wait for more, thank you for posting this!
An Walkerson chapter 2 . 6/20/2015
I was trying to organize my thoughts, after this chapter...
That was just the angst that I needed. I know, but you got me very intrigued with this whole situation... I love your way of creating, and I am really curious and excited to see how it goes.
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