Reviews for The White King
Rage0fPhoenix chapter 1 . 12/13/2016
SweetHeaven chapter 1 . 11/30/2016
My dear, how is it even possible that this was your first fic and your first time writing smut? It's soooo good!

Ok, I don't know very well what to say because I'm really, really bad at reviewing lemons, I never know hot to make a detailed review of them LOL

I really like the setting of the story, and you know I don't really like porn without any kind of plot, so I'm very happy that you have included some background to explain how their ardent intercourse came to happen. The little things we know about them in this AU actually fit very well with their canon situation, with Izaya being a jerk who messes up with other people's lives for his own amusement and Shizuo hatingon him and wanting to take revenge.
By the way, I loved that line about Shizuo wanting to kill Izaya with his bare hands, except that Shizu-chan may need some anatomy lesson because I'm pretty sure it was not his hands he was using LOL

All the "foreplay" (well, more like, since the moment Shizuo lifted Izaya in his arms when they were still in the dungeon) was so very erotic, and OMG the picture of Shizuo holding Izaya with just one arm while they are rubbing against each other was sooooo hot.

I really love the pace of the lemon, with both being so bold and horny LOL Also, I absolutely love how they end up fighting to be the one dominationg. I mean, it has nothing to do with who tops or who bottoms, and definitely both of them lose control, Izaya begging to be fucked by his enemy and Shizuo actually wanting to do Izaya because he's so turned on. BUT the fact that Izaya, being physically domnated by Shizuo, still tries to be the one who sets the pace of the action with his orders (whihc Shizuo pintedly ignores) is actually a way of trying to control the situation, I believe.

It was all so hot and sensual, with all the kissing and licking and you even included some nipple play!

And then when they were having a bath together OMG, I love that kind of things. And then they end up fucking again and Izaya can't blame the drugs (as he would do regarding the previous shag), nor can Shizuo blame the boldness of Izaya's advances (as he might do regarding their previous shag, too). It was something they did because they wanted to and that made me squeal LOL

Oh, I absolutely love how even during sex theyy keep thinking badly of the other in a way LOL (like, Izaya still is thinking Shizuo is a dumb beast, Shizuo is still thinkig he wants to kill Izaya...). It was funny and interesting and it help in keeping the "Shizaya essence".

And the ending was soooo good, Izaya is running away (kind of), Shizuo is letting him be, they still tease each other a bit...

And Shizuo's last thought "I wish I had [...] for days" was sheer perfection because of what it seems to imply, as it sounds as if Shizuo actually would be alright with Izaya staying longer, and not exactly as a prisioner. Or well, at least that's how I interpreted it, but I could be wrong!

And what can I say about your writing? I love your style soooooooooo much. And this work is full of little gems, it's impossible for me to pick up just one or two things. Every sentence feels indispensable, and even though it was mainly sex, I still got a lot fo feels thanks to the wonderful way you describe the thought and emotions the characters are experiencing along with the description of the physical aspect of the relationship.

Really, relly good one-shot, I'm so impressed, I just OMG I don't even know what else to say. And I'm sorry if this review is a bit crappy, like I said I'm just very bad at reviewing lemons but I couldn't just read this and not say anything about it!
Because it is so good.
You're so, so good.
DemonEmpress33 chapter 1 . 9/14/2016
love it
Kishiko-TheFujoshi chapter 1 . 9/7/2016
Omg yes! This was awesome to read. I cant believe your skills! Especially at writing smut. Your good, real good. Please post some more!
Saigu Tonami chapter 1 . 7/22/2016
Gosh- Shiro-chan was right, this story is amazing
Hottest fanfiction I have read in a long time!
thank you for writing this author-san
Shirohimesstories chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
this is the best freaking piece of fiction ever-
It was so god dman filled with all sorts of emotions-!
like oh my god-
the fear at the beginning! those guys!
;A;AA;A; I love you for that omg
for a second i was really getting scared taht you would let them do soemthign to him oh god
And then!
the nosebleed-
this is by far the most erotic written sex scene i have ever read
i have read lots of erotic fanfiction on shizaya if not all there are in all those years i have been shipping them, but THIS
This beats them all-
this was so damn filled with- wow
hot omg
I was thiking the same back then with your other story- the shower scene
you are seriously GREAT at writing those scenes-
i mean. wow
I have seriously read a freakig lot of these things and you really exceed them all-
awazing writing still god damn
love this-
also how Shizuo let the lea go!
and how Izaya kidn of knows i and then when he rode away omg it was so funny xD
This was just all god damnit
it was sweet, it was erotic, it was scary it was thrilling it was WOW
Usually Im not a too great fan of one shots since they always leave me craving for more, they always kidna feel like the author just wrote a chapter 1 instead of a story that ended, you know what i mean?
BUt this si just perfect. atr reading it you get like the feeling you read after you finished watching an anime serious or read the last page of a book-
just, perfect
the plot leading up until there and the events that happened just matched so beautifully
I have no other words to say about this than that it is simply perfect
no, more than perfect! double perfect! xD does that word exist? it now does*0*
seriously, I adore your writing
you are amazing
NoahEarlGraves chapter 1 . 3/8/2016
That's hot
misterbigeye chapter 1 . 6/16/2015
That was so steamy, kidnape him again Shizuchan! This time don't let him be able to run away from you!