Reviews for Teddy Lupin and the Daedalus Maze
DarkLordWhatsit chapter 1 . 3/24/2019
I read all of these on ao3 last year I had hoped you'd make a sequel series with them as adults.
Guest chapter 5 . 2/8/2018
I love how you manage to put something so important and complex into one sentence "the dead would be nothing but the questions on the end of Binns' tests." The sentence "it was hard to argue with the logic, unless you were a Gryffindor or Nymphadora Lupin" made me laugh. Indeed, she would have done well in Gryffindor as well. I really loved it that Teddy was nice to Neel, that reminded me a lot of that time when Remus made Neville the hero of the day. Your Teddy is a lot like Remus, and I'm glad because I think it's true. It's sad the war memorial ended, it's just so...unfair. And that part about the book...I'm so angry with J. K. He thinks it's difficult to give up "that fluttering butterfly" and calls it "mum's butterfly"... that just shows how desperate he is, even after 15 years, to bring his parents back.
Guest chapter 16 . 12/5/2017
It's sentences like this one "...and the image of dad throwing away his wand, his only defense, so that Dean could have it, came back through Teddy's head." that make it hard to read this story. The worst thing is that I'm certain Remus would have done it. Please, could you write an alternate ending to Remus and Tonks story? Life definitely cheated Remus. I don't remember ever being filled with such a strong feeling of injustice as when I think about his fate. Whenever I come across something similar to that sentence, I feel as though Remus and Tonks die all over again,again and again.
Guest chapter 32 . 10/9/2017
Well developed character, great humor and drama. Well worth re-reading :)
Guest chapter 22 . 10/8/2017
Love Grayfur's sass!
Miri Penn chapter 32 . 7/15/2017
The final chapter of this novel is entitled gifts and these stories are gifts to the fandom, made possible by (I've said it before and probably will again) your enormous literary gifts. Thank you so much!
Hiiraeth chapter 32 . 1/28/2016
This was absolutely wonderful. Teddy finally getting some sort of absolution and a more natural relationship with his parents was wonderful and much needed. Other than that, the Daedalus maze was wonderfully imagined. Not many can pull off coming up with original magical items and giving them the amount of depth you did. More impressive is your characterization of not only canon characters but also ocs or characters like Teddy, whom we know so little about. They all feel like real people, with flaws and qualities.

Wonderful story, I hope more people will find and read this series, you deserve the attention!
Craftykat chapter 32 . 10/1/2015
Another wonderful novel! Thanks!
greenstar33 chapter 32 . 7/8/2015
Thank you so much for these delightful stories! They are so well written and have a wonderful plot line. I do hope you continue to post them if there are more!
Guest chapter 24 . 6/27/2015
Holy craps this is good... Wonder what they are alldping there!
jetdrawing3 chapter 2 . 6/23/2015
Quick question: are you trying to imply that Donzo is Cormac's kid? Because then wouldn't she be Donzo McLaggen, not McCormack? Or maybe you're not saying that at all, in which case, ignore me. :)
jetdrawing3 chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
Merlin, this first chapter almost made me cry out of happiness. I can't tell you how much I loved the look into what all of the people I grew up with are doing now. My favorite parts were the bit with Harry's reaction to James deciding the invisibility cloak was from the fairy tale, the bit about Lily never obeying, and the part at the party where Ron and Ginny were ribbing each other. After all of the crazy junk that those kids went through, it's wonderful to see them as happy parents, spouses, and friends.