Reviews for Shield and Sword
uqoxe24 chapter 63 . 7/13/2016
Awesome story, really getting into it. But slightly confused on who the main character ends up with, but don't ruin it, it'll be a Surprise lol. Hope to read new chapter soon.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/17/2016
This story I can actually give the title of demi-godly because of all the misspellinged words lol
Guest chapter 1 . 6/17/2016
You know what I wanna see is that Keiko thinks that she's losing her boyfriend so she ddoes some questionable acts (not that stuff get your mind out of the gutters)
The-Wondering-Warrior chapter 1 . 6/16/2016
Keep it real my fellow nig nog q:)
Guest chapter 40 . 5/22/2016
God dammit man why did you shamelessly rip off sword art online abridged?!
POOP6 chapter 61 . 5/17/2016
That's great, I guess. Well, what can I say? Thank god you're alive, for starters.

This site just wouldn't be the same without you and S&S
Jack Redhawke chapter 1 . 4/4/2016
It's 'as' not 'has
POOP6 chapter 60 . 3/30/2016
Gaddammit, how could you do this to him? No that is 2cold4me. He literally kicked Zdus out right after he helped them?! Uh-oh, fuck that. Uma became an asshole after he got it on with Keiko in dream world! He had sex with Keiko! This chapter was a lemon! You can't deny it!
POOP6 chapter 57 . 2/17/2016
Can't help it if your names are shitty. I mean, Pom didn't even need to be insulted. One must be a special breed of retarded to name their character Pom of all things. Why tf would anyone call their character Neil, though? Unless they're a fan of the famous physicist or the astronaut, then I don't see naming your in-game character something that boring worthwhile. Grim is cool enough, but Spirite? How 'd you pronounce it, Spi-rait, Spiri-teh or spirit? Other than that, I do stand by my modified versions.

BTW I thought that Iriamu was based in Narita, Chiba Prefecture. What the hell is he doing in Nishitokyo? Explanation time. BTW This is the second time you write a sex scene, you naughty boy. You have to raise your rating now and tag this story as a Lemon. tsk tsk tsk

Also, "Line Break Of I Have No Girlfriend" hit seriously close to home. Also explains why your romance scenes are so dull. Let them get it on, Jesus they're like 18 now already, what're you afraid of?

Also, Klein is a dick to waiting customers.

Also, Peanut butter fetish is apparent ._.
ARandomGuy chapter 57 . 2/16/2016
Is this like, the 5th time that Yoko has asked Uma to spend the night at her house XD
POOP6 chapter 56 . 2/7/2016
What the... I just thought this was a random filler. LOL you Moonlit Black Catted Keiko. It's fucking hilarious if you go back to the earlier chapters and realize how fast she forgot about poor lil Sprite(tm), Grimm, Porn and Neil deGrasse Tyson. We never hear from them again before this chapter. And by the way, nice chapter. Just get to the main plotline quickly, I need to know what our 'Kirito and Asuna' are facing.

P.S when is the next lemon scene gonna be?
POOP6 chapter 55 . 1/31/2016
Raise your rating, boy. This is now a lemon fic, and there ain't nothing you can do about it. Accept it, this shit is MA now XD but of course, MA fics are not even allowed to be published in FF
POOP6 chapter 54 . 1/27/2016
ohmaigod they had sex, right? No. Way
POOP6 chapter 52 . 1/20/2016
dammit, boi ,get back to work.
POOP6 chapter 53 . 1/14/2016
oh, I never knew. :( Please fix it soon so I can continue reading, senpai. Please, senpai. I became a desu for you.
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