Reviews for The Eden Switch Companion Series
TheNeverEndingOne chapter 4 . 3/22
I really love your work.

I realise it's been a while since you posted anything, so I figure you have moved on from writing these works or you're simply too busy, but I just wanted to tell you what an absolute pleasure it has been to read The Eden Switch and its companion series. This is the third time I've read them all and everytime it just fills me with this sense of happines and warmth.

You're, I think, someone who cares a lot about characters and who they are, how they think and feel. It's why they never seem out-of-character in your writing. I appreciate that immensly, as I care most about characters as well. You make them seem so alive, so real, and it's heartwarming to read about all the relationships, romantic or otherwise within the glade.

I truly think The Eden Switch is one of the best Maze Runner fanfictions out there, certainly the best one I've ever read. You just take every detail very seriously, I can tell by the way you end with story-notes; you want ti explain the logic and reason behind your choices and why they make sense or are important. It's very admirable.

I realise this is quite the essay, so if you've come this far: thanks for reading this! (even if it is just me complimenting your work). I just wanted to properly praise and thank you for the story I've enjoyed multiple times now.

I wish you would continue the story, even if it is just the Companion Series (cause, really, who can get enough of Newt P.O.V.), but like I said before, I realise this might, for any reason, not be on your list of things to do right now (or ever). Though, if the reason you haven't attempted a sequel was that it would'nt fit in with the story of the movie sequel, I would at least like you to know that diverting your story from the canon wouldn't be bad. It'd be like an alternate universe where there was a girl.

Anyway, once again I'd like this say thank you for writing. You have created a great piece of work and it has made me, and probably many other, incredibly happy reading it.

Much love!
aussiecupcake chapter 4 . 9/23/2017
This was a great chapter! I was hoping you'd do this scene - I'd always wondered what they'd talked about. Great job!
Amore2210.Loves. Fanfic chapter 4 . 9/20/2017
omggggg, i have waited so long for this chapter, thank god you are back to writing!
snowlitbutterfly chapter 3 . 3/3/2017
Hey I know it's been a really long time haha, but I'm just wondering what are your plans for the Eden Switch series. I loved the first one and I know you said you were undecided about the sequel but I was just wondering if anything happened to change. I also am curious about the companion series. Are you planning on doing anymore? I adore your writing so I would love it if you wrote more, but I also understand you have a life out of fanfiction haha. I hope you'll still continue to write though, because I love these fanfics :)
Amore2210.Loves. Fanfic chapter 3 . 8/3/2016
will u update the story or start the sequel soon? I finished The Eden Switch at 2am last night and I'm obsessed with your story right now
Guest chapter 3 . 4/20/2016
Is a sequel following the events of The Scorch Trials still a possibility?
Neniel chapter 3 . 2/9/2016
You know what would be great? Something from Gally's point of view :) Loving these so far!
Zoey24 chapter 3 . 1/5/2016
These side stories are amazing. I love reading things from other character's pov. Please please please make the next one about Justin attacking Eva or the pole of the building falling on her through Newt's eyes.
LiveThroughThis chapter 1 . 12/12/2015
Please, update as soon as possible! I love this story so much and it sucks that there isn't more chapters. The Eden Switch and the companion series are the only Maze Runner fanfics I enjoy and since Eva's pov is done, I've been relying on this one because I really wanted to know the gladers' pov throughout the story. Please, update!
exoplanetprincess chapter 3 . 11/15/2015
Martine9295 chapter 2 . 11/6/2015
So I loved this chapter from Newt's point of view! I liked how he saw in the beginning already that Eva was really gentle, honest and not judging. We get to see how Eva is from his eyes and how she adapted herself in her first month living in the Glade.

Reading about Newt's suicide, all his feelings behind it, the still current pain, emotionally and physically was really intense. It's so understandable that he was afraid to tell her, I mean how do you start a conversation like that? It makes sense that he kept his distance. I think because it is such a big thing that happened to him, and still has a lasting impact now, that he kept away from Eva as long as he didn't know how or if to tell her. It really dealt with this deep fear, deep down inside of you, and not knowing how to let it go when it's concerned with something secret or so painful.

Alby, Stan and Dan telling him to fix it, because they saw how Eva reacted in response was really sweet, they're really seem to care about her already. Zart giving him the silent treatment was too funny xD

The mix of fear, the pity and anxiety is really well described in his recovery, how he hobbled on crutches, that seductive voice telling him to end it all... When Frypan deflated, I almost felt sad for him as well. Eva has only been there for a short while yet they already feel so close to her

Eva's look of surprise and numbness, no longer feeling hurt or disappointed was sad but somewhere also impressive. She is not pushing him to talk about it yet her response when she found him in the Council Hall was nice, not giving up either. She is not willing to let this ruin their relationship, wanting to be on normal terms again, forgoing the fact that something happened (she doesn't probably want to know if it hurts their bond).

He knows she might run someday and the fact that he is willing to share his story to protect her is saying a lot. He told her his story honestly, feeling the burden lift, and it really explained for me why Minho was always so serious; that this was his way of blocking out those feelings (I never realized that bit or really thought it through!). Since he never told the other two Runners the whole story, I loved that he gained a sense of peace in telling it completely. I loved that her first question was if he still wanted to take his own life like Newt said, an important question, knowing how those thoughts could still haunt him. She is just as perceptive as he is :) I loved that that is why she was afraid, afraid for him.

I LOVED the line 'She fits there'. I loved she then promised at that point that she wouldn't run unless she had to. Oh and I also loved 'it strikes him, very suddenly, that maybe he's not as broken as he thought. Maybe he was just used to dealing with it alone.' that connects with me so much, so many people in the world try to do it on their own, to prove that they can, but so often, it's not needed. Having someone at your side, hearing you out, or just giving a helping hand, giving support, can mean so much! :)
Martine9295 chapter 1 . 10/28/2015
I loved how Newt was able to read Eva's reactions; seeing fear but also clear rationale in her eyes, processing the situation around her and thus being potentially dangerous. I also loved the description of the aftermath of Eva running way, with Frypan and Stan chasing the goose, Gally still being annoyed and Newt directing other Gladers to places to look. Billy's convo at the doors and Minho and Ben being told of Eva was also quite fun to read, since we heard about it in TES and now we get to read it first hand :D

Eva from Newt's POV was also really cool because you learn more about her and how she looked surprised with the spike, indicating that again her body was reacting on instinct and memory :) I like how we can see her range of emotions and thoughts inside her head, like 'What if I disagree with the rules?" but she stayed silent, knowing that this wasn't the right time.

When Alby returned to the Mess and heads snapped up, eager and anxious to see Eva was really interesting because it tells you that they are excited to see her but also wary that the greenie was a girl.

I LOVED the line "Its puzzling; that within hours of arriving, she can find some anchor for her sanity in just wanting to know her surroundings". I really like it, though I don't know how to explain it. It says so much about her character

I always loved Eva's explanation of how she just needed a little bit of time to cope with it all. She is the only girl and even though Newt knows that the gladers don't mean any harm, I'm glad that he gave her some space. I loved how we got to read his story of arriving and how he adapted to life within the Glade :)

When reviewing the others chapters of TES, I will def let you know if I would like to see a certain moment and whose perspective :)
Snow Dragon of the Moon chapter 3 . 10/12/2015
Martine9295 chapter 3 . 10/12/2015
Omg so first off I want to thank you writing such a diamond of a story! I found the Eden Switch after I saw it pass by in a review with another story and I've been hooked ever since! I will try to review the others chapters and even the Eden Switch because I just want to let you know how much I loved it and which parts were my favourite! :D :D

So I LOVE that we got to read this chapter from Dan's POV. I loved how he immediately noticed how Newt was different and the boys called him on it as soon as she left haha xD

I really loved the part where the new boy arrived in Eden Switch, being really abrasive and that the guys were protective of Eva so I LOVED it here when Dan and Minho kept an eye on her when the boy joined Eva. When Newt and Gally's heads snapped to Eva and Fry was already watching her... it's just things like that which I love reading. I love that their connection to her is so strong and that they want to help her and protect but not in a weird, exaggerated way. Like Dan said, it's not his place to tell the others off but he just wants her to feel at ease and not be harassed by newbies. Your explanation of the fact that no one is telling Henry to keep his distance is so good; about how it's about not bothering her or picking at her just because she is the only girl. That just makes so much sense.

When Newt told the others about the spike, I was laughing so hard hahaa xD I loved how Gally's reaction was disapproving, immediately concerned and how Newt was like watch it, I loved that too so much! xD

I loved Minho's reaction and omg when Dan just went to Lee like OMG I gotta tell you a story hahaa xD

I understand how time consuming must be so I won't push you for fast updates although I really really loved this chapter! I love seeing these scenes, like you said, either because Eva wasn't around or we get to see it from boys' POV. I always really liked Dan's connection with Eva so I liked reading it from his pov as he's quite cute too!
Guest chapter 3 . 10/11/2015
It would be great if you could write about Chuck's crush & his pranks from one of the boys as they know what is going on & Eva has no idea :-)
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