Reviews for Harry Potter and the Sympathy of Souls
Clarence chapter 10 . 7/21
best story I've ever read.
DeaththeKidOCD chapter 1 . 5/23
Ok I'm like 3 paragraphs in, but. ?! harry being treated like a ?! well i nEver
Emma chapter 1 . 4/12
Tf is it called a whorecrux (horcrux) bc that’s how I read it and I feel like it has smth to do w/ it idk
curlyfri24 chapter 10 . 4/9
I adore this story! I literally have been smiling for the past ten minutes while I read the last two chapters! I really needed the fluff. All of the other Harry/Tom stories I read before this one we’re so angsty I needed something to lighten me up. Thank you! :D
Nelui Wysteria chapter 7 . 11/12/2019
Perhaps this is just personal preference but as I read this chapter I feel confused and conflicted about the extent of Tom's personality change. Perhaps this went a bit too quickly? Or perhaps it's the depth of the change that comes across as too much too soon. *shrug* I do love that Tom agreed to heal himself. That just made my eyes water
Nelui Wysteria chapter 7 . 11/12/2019
Conflict of facts. If there are anti portkey wards in place, how did Voldemort-Quirrell portkey out during first year?
Nelui Wysteria chapter 5 . 11/12/2019
I really love the way you are handling the trauma of Voldemort and his horcruxes. I've seen all sorts of ways that people portray healing, from shoving the prices together to out right destroying them leaving the soul pieces to find their way back. Your way of simple verbal validation and active compassion is brilliant.
Nelui Wysteria chapter 1 . 11/12/2019
I have always enjoyed carefully laid out conversations on the technicalities/histories of magic. So I was quite pleased with this chapter. I could see your confidence in what you were writing building as you went along. I will say that I almost grew bored towards the end of his explaination but you managed to end it just in the nick of time.
Ashaisha chapter 10 . 11/11/2019
Original and interesting. I liked your story and the idea of the Soulcrux and how Tom regains his humanity. I love Nicolas and Perenelle as they help and love Harry. I love Harry and Tom together and this end. Thanks for the story.
halleberry1995 chapter 10 . 10/15/2019
Brilliant story! :D
Birnan Midniht chapter 10 . 10/15/2019
First off: lmao, high stakes monopoly.

Secondly: thanks for writing this. Your plotting and horcrux theorizing was a marvelous creation. Though, admittedly, Tom Riddle struck me as very unpoised considering what the books mentioned of him. Regardless, good work, mate.
Birnan Midniht chapter 1 . 10/15/2019
Soulcrux is absolute creative genius!
loonyandhermy chapter 10 . 10/7/2019
It's simply amazing!
I loved the plot. Please do another tom/harry fanfic!
Ash-Ravenclaw chapter 10 . 9/20/2019
First off, I really appreciated you moving quickly through the years until things got exciting. Second, that was abso-fucking-lutely adorable and I'm having a moment. Also, if you were to post a continuation of the last chapter it would bloody well make my day because the expressions on everyone's faces would be priceless.
sidaqlotay07 chapter 1 . 8/16/2019
Who ! Very interesting.
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