Reviews for Jurassic World: Why So Blue?
Dontavious chapter 34 . 9/16
When will this story EVER be complete?
Bikerguy91 chapter 34 . 8/18
Hi late to the party I know but your "why so blue" story is epic. One of my absolute favourites next to "its not the raptor dna" and "tainted / threshold shift" really hope you continue it soon. A fic like this doesn't deserve to be left abandoned
TheAttemptedWriter chapter 34 . 7/16
I love how playful and teasing compies are. I'd expect it to try and hurt baby Kilo and co normally, but it's just playin. Now, I hope this story does pick back up, as there are obviously a few things that still need to happen. One, humans. 2, Grey. 3, Kilo, and a mate bond with Blue. Murte being killed. So much to handle. I imagine the Waterfall pack will gather more than three new members in Omega, Mud, and Dust. I imagine a few other like minded kind souls will join their little group before long, and they can eventually at the least break away from the pack on their own.
JenMur chapter 34 . 5/9
Yay! I know I disappeared but I’m glad I found this story again! And I hope to see another chapter soon! I hope you sure doing alright with the craziness in the world right now.
BlueRiptide15 chapter 34 . 5/4
Wait did the book say what happened to Gray Brother? BTW one of the best fanfics I have ever read keep up the good work and please update soon.
QuiteARandomFan chapter 34 . 2/4
I hope this review finds you well.
I actually started reading this story quite a while ago, up till chapter 26, which was the last one at the time. When I saw there were new chapters, I was giddy like little Star at feeding time! To freshen up my memory, I started reading from the beginning again and I gotta say: I still love this story as much as I did the first time around, if not even more so now. Currently, WSB along with It's not the Raptor DNA is my favourite Jurassic Park story and one of my most favoured fanfiction stories overall!

I really love your writing style and character development. Even though it is a bit depressing to see characters suffering like the Waterfall pack currently are under Muerte's rule, it is a powerful tool in story development I saw put to good use plenty of times and it makes for an overall really emotional story that makes you really feel for and cheer with the characters once things get better. I really like how Blue is upping her game in looking out for the others by showing more of her old beta side and I hope she can pacify Shadow and that she will come to see that Blue only wants to help the pack. And I hope we will get to see what became of Kilo... it was really hard to just leave him like this. I know what I would whish to happen to him, though I know that would probably be closer to a miracle... but one can still hope ;)

I can't wait to see what is to come in the future for this story. Now that I finally have a fanfiction account of my own, you'll also definitely get my fav & follow. God knows this story deserves far more favs than it currently has.
DragonicTexan36 chapter 34 . 1/6
This is a great story and I will admit I nearly cried a couple of times... please come continue this.
pandora995 chapter 34 . 9/21/2019
Hello, sorry to comment so late. I was waiting for a new chapter with such impatience and I am not disappointed, it is great. Blue's actions look so much like him. Everyone loves it, although I still think it's not a good thing about Muerte. I hope Shadow will calm down and see Kilo soon. I look forward to the next chapter and wish you good luck for the future.
Congratulations again for this chapter.
SilverLupaWolves chapter 34 . 9/1/2019
I've been waiting for a new chapter for so long! I'm so glad your here to deliver a new chapter. I'll be curious about how the story plays out!
Oragonking chapter 34 . 8/31/2019
Blue is different from the other Raptors because of her sympathy.

That's what makes Blue "Blue", that's what makes her special, that 's why the world love her.
Guest chapter 34 . 8/28/2019
Very intense moments here, teeth got gritting a couple times XD Very well written, loved that we got some more character development and that newer characters got a little bit of the spotlight as well. Awesome job, can't wait for more
FangLycan chapter 34 . 8/27/2019
Glad to have you back Books real fun reading this chapter, poor Omega has really bad parents.
epicfoxy2781 chapter 34 . 8/26/2019
Another great story as always.
A Fan chapter 34 . 8/26/2019
Just want you to know that me and many others are /dQw4w9WgXcQ (Never Gonna Give You Up!) Take as much time as you need, hopefully you can work on it and get another chapter out quicker then the last one but we all know life isn't always so kind. However i (and many others) will always be patiently waiting, keep up the good work!
Skylen Xander chapter 34 . 8/26/2019
BTW I'm writeing a story and I don't think you saw or even got a DM for me cause I would love to see your opinion about my story it will make my day and every next one ;P
you don't have to do so ofc
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