Reviews for Apoptosis
Hellcat81 chapter 11 . 7/24/2009
hehe, poor wu fei. he had a lot of trouble in this fic. heero was very emotional in this fic. different from other fics but still in a good way.

you might want to spend more time in narrating the story. it is a tad bit too rushed. i do like fast stories but it would be even better if you'd take the time to build up the plot a bit stronger.
mayfaire chapter 11 . 4/10/2009
Adorable. Only Heero who has never experienced a normal childhood would have the idea to ask Dr. J for love advice. It's something new and sweet for Heero and I love him. I just had to chuckle at Wufei's howl of fury seeing Heero who 'borrowed' his Nataku.
Azamiko chapter 11 . 2/26/2008
This is much the awesomeness. My only wish is that we could see G's reaction to the apoptosis command. (After all, only J seems to think that emotions are bad, so G probably wouldn't approve of the command.)
Alixa Elizabeth Hufflepuff chapter 11 . 7/5/2007
aww once again one of you fics has been just too cute! I love it. :D
Modified Tam chapter 11 . 8/21/2006
Nice, not heavy and bit funny.


Especially this : "Chewing gum is a finer point of life?"

mamawar chapter 11 . 8/1/2005
REALLY good! I love it. 'tis swanky

though I SO need to kill J even worse than usual now! XOO

but I'm off to read more fan fiction. UPDATE the rest of your fics!
Von chapter 11 . 12/29/2004
Very enjoyable!

Too bad there wasn't any retaliation from J.. I mean, he goes to all the effort of making a Perfect Soldier... you don't want a weapon like that running around without a leash..
Amarin Rose chapter 11 . 10/29/2004
Chewing gum, chocolate, ice cream... Yes, some of the *finest* points in life.

Along with the one on Wufei's head...

WufeiMuse: WOMAN!

Me: Shut up or I'll turn you into a girl in my next fic.

DuoMuse: Hey, I don't want to have anything in common with *him*! And btw, you need to finish that story.

Me: I know. And I'd make sure he got his own story. *Thoughtful look* Maybe set him up with Quatre.

WufeiMuse: *Cowering, sweating, and pulling collar away from neck* Er...wouldn't Quatre be a better choice to be a girl.

Me: You're the one with long hair.

WufeiMuse: *Whimpers*

Me: *Smirks evilly*
Raven Deathstar chapter 10 . 8/27/2004
That was a really, really good fic! Keep up the good work!
summercloud chapter 10 . 8/20/2003
*giggles* what a cute ending! i liked it but i think trowa was a little ooc.
StarLight Pixie chapter 11 . 7/17/2003
OMG this was great! Such an awesome fic. Great job! As long as I'm reviewing this, I might as well tell you that I like your writing in general, and I'm a fan of some of your other fics. HOWEVER, I am *dying* for you to finish Welcome Distractions. You haven't updated it in a month! *pokes Rapunzel* Please, PLEASE finish it! I hate it when good authors leave awesome stories unfinished!

That's all for now, keep up the good work!

-Pixie-chan _~
magic dreamer chapter 10 . 4/28/2003
i love this story but you did have me worried in some places keep it up
Keeper Of Destiny chapter 10 . 4/26/2003
this is a really good fic. please continue it soon. I luv it loads!
Veail chapter 10 . 4/26/2003
Yay! You updated. This is one of my favourite stories and for a while I thought it had vanished lol. I love the whole idea, the way you used the comparison of apoptosis to what Heero was doing was great! It lets you see in a way just what J thinks of Heero. He's just a single cell amongst thousands of others.

Duo's reaction in this is great too, I love protective Duo! I can't wait to read the epilogue (and I'm loving your "Welcome Distractions" fic too!)
twighlight1 chapter 9 . 4/19/2003
*right eye begins to twitch lightly as she stares at the cliff hanfer before her* Oh no no no no, no you did NOT just end it RIGHT THERE AFTER POOR DUO-KUN BLACKS OUT LIKE THAT! These cliff hangers are intolerable and (as Wu-man would say) and INJUSTICE to such a fine yaoi fanfcition such as this! Please update soon? I mean, we all know you have a life outside of the Gundam Wing and Yaoi universe but can't just leave us hanging here ;_;*sniffle* Wonderful story, absolutely lovely. Ah, the angst and love and raw emotion is just too beautiful for words. Update soon please _ Good job!
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