Reviews for Here Comes the Bride
Permanently Inactive goodbye chapter 1 . 4/14/2018
Kiara of the Elven chapter 1 . 2/2/2016
Raven Hair in a Bob Haircut with a red dress hmmmm Nya from Lego Ninjago? lol I am just guessing since it sounds like her I am a avid Ninjago lover just wanted to say loved this great job
BlueJay026 chapter 1 . 6/30/2015
This was fun! I like how the dresses and party decorations were blue, pink, and black; they sound like the colors Lucy would have chosen for the wedding. I also like that comment at the end, that everyone, including President Business, started dancing. Haha, it would be funny to see him do some dance moves. :D
For constructive criticism, I would say add more action, such as using more dialogue, describing how Lucy felt physically when she was nervous (upset stomach, shaky hands, etc.), and showing if and how Emmet's face changed when he saw Lucy walking up the aisle.
Anyway, great job! Write more stories! God bless you!