Reviews for Everything
welshcwtch chapter 1 . 2/8/2018
short but so sweet - we know it's only the next episode he asks her out... I wonder if this episode that your writing about did sway the answer to "fine" rather than "no" for her...
grannyshirley05 chapter 1 . 8/29/2015
awe ty
Meg0613 chapter 1 . 7/1/2015
Yes, he does make her happy and yes she does deserve to be happy!
MaxiP99 chapter 1 . 7/1/2015
Sweet ! Too short but very sweet!
Hogwarts Duo chapter 1 . 7/1/2015
Squeee! I love it. It's absolutely perfect for Sharon and Andy! _
Megara79 chapter 1 . 7/1/2015
Cute! :)
mhopeg chapter 1 . 7/1/2015
SO ADORABLE! Just short and sweet and perfect!
quirkette100 chapter 1 . 6/30/2015
I knew you'd write Shandy at some point! This fic makes *me* very happy :)
ProfTweety chapter 1 . 6/30/2015
Aw that was very sweet.
EvilRegalShandyLvr21 chapter 1 . 6/30/2015
I loved this little nugget of cuteness!
olehistorian chapter 1 . 6/30/2015
I'm new to the Major Crimes fandom but I enjoyed this very much.