Reviews for Casting the Stake
diamondnightskies chapter 30 . 7/27
The only reason I can agree that it was a little distracting was because I kept having to remember what year/age Hermione was by whatever year was listed for the date. If you were to even add that in to those little headers, making it known that it is in relation to Hermione. So like April 10th, 199-, 4th year or July 12th, 1998, post-war, etc. Do you know what I mean? Just some little indicator of where Hermione is in the story would probably take care of a lot of that.

I like this chapter...perhaps it's mean of me to think it but it's like the Weasley's stole their bespoken one and next they're going to steal their daughter! lol Ouch, I am mean...
diamondnightskies chapter 29 . 7/27
I'm so glad you added in this chapter about all the baby stuff! I'm wondering, did the fact that they had done a fertility ritual have anything to do with Hermione almost dying? Or was it just circumstantial but made them wary of doing one again anyway? This story was fun to read. I read it almost straight through just today. I do feel like I agree with you that readers might understand a bit more about covenants and such if they have read TBW first. Having read through both I realize you had to walk a fine balance to be able to give an adequate amount of information to capture interest, because trying to get too detailed with covenant stuff risked feeling plagiarized. You did an excellent job of steering clear of that. That said, one of the main reasons I was so excited to read this is because I was desperately hoping that something more would be done with the covenant. In TBW, and in here too, a big deal is made of the fact that Hermione is a powerful magical conduit and seems to have a very unique, unheard of relationship with the covenant. In fact, the covenant had known about her coming for a very long time and she was meant to do something extremely important with the four fallen sacred 28 covenant magics to bring stability to their society. I don't know if you had considered tackling that at all...I had initially thought that would perhaps be why a bunch of other covenants found her bespoke as well after the war and her sibling ritual with Harry. It's really the one thing I have to say really disappointed me when I finished TBW, and now at the end of this as well...that as much as I absolutely enjoyed both stories I was extremely fascinated with that idea of the covenant magic/sentience, really wanted to see more of it, and really REALLY wanted more of an idea about the role she was apparently destined to fulfill. I had hoped that since Glitterally didn't go into that you might have. But again, the story was still excellent.
Oh, also...I have just had a reply from Glitterally today to an email I sent regarding a few issues with reading TBW on her website and she let me know that she is currently posting it to AO3 since the issues have been ongoing and remain unresolved. So you will be able to refer people there to read it! Thanks for sharing your imagination and talent with us all!
diamondnightskies chapter 28 . 7/27
Aside from all the smut in this chapter, it's interesting to see how the relationships are unfolding. Charlie's weirdness about the kid thing surprised me a bit, but I suppose that must be a strange thing to contemplate - your wife potentially being pregnant with one of your brothers children. Even being raised with the idea of something can't necessarily always prepare you for the reality of it once you're in it!
diamondnightskies chapter 27 . 7/27
At least the Ron drama was thankfully short-lived! I'm glad you kept the mutual de-flowering rather low-key. Too smut heavy would not have felt right here. The pictures she gave each guy were great!
diamondnightskies chapter 26 . 7/27
Oh my what!? You did not just do that! Holy shit. Evil.
diamondnightskies chapter 25 . 7/27
You handled the marking wonderfully! I hope all those Weasley boys got some orgasms out of the evening, not just Charlie and George. Ha. I'm sure they did.
diamondnightskies chapter 24 . 7/27
She definitely seems the most comfortable with the twins, though that is absolutely understandable.
diamondnightskies chapter 23 . 7/27
So was Charlie just cringing about the thought of anything piercing a nipple, like most people would think it painful, or because he's not into nipple piercings? Sorry, I get that the whole scenario (in her one-on-one time with Bill specifically) of the one chair and the guy sitting on it so the girl has to sit on his lap is supposed to feel kind of sexy, but I have never been able to feel that way about it...well, except for when it's a couple already very intimately acquainted. Otherwise it feels a bit high-handed and manipulative of the it's a way to force an intimacy that isn't there naturally. I'm glad you had Hermione slipping a bit and noting some awkwardness about it. Of course I can't help but to compare the way Dumbledore is acting here to how he was with the Malfoy's in TBW, and he definitely comes across as less happy about the match, and less helpful and indulgent with them.
diamondnightskies chapter 22 . 7/27
I had similar thoughts while reading TBW, but it feels to me like there's so much pressure for physical intimacy on Hermione, which must be especially difficult for her as it's with more than one man, something that is considered taboo by most in the culture she was raised in. The letter from Fred and George talking about 4 months being a long time to wait and stuff could come across as putting a subtle sort of pressure on her instead of allowing her to take whatever time she needs. Like, they've all been waiting for her all this time. But I guess it's probably very hard to get around that.

I'm wondering about everyone asking about her being made uncomfortable from other potential suitors at this just other individual boys or boys specifically from families whose stakes she did not choose to consider? Is there a possibility she could decide to consider them at a later date or something if she were to become interested in someone? Or is it that once she chose not to consider those stakes that was it?
diamondnightskies chapter 21 . 7/27
Well, I'm glad to see Ron's trouble-making was short-lived...if indeed it remains so!
diamondnightskies chapter 20 . 7/27
I guess since I've read TBW prior, and read a lot of Dramione, I do feel sad for the Malfoys...though not so much really if the implication here is that what happened at Malfoy Manor in canon still happened in this story. Is that meant to be the case? I was wondering if your intention was to have her consider both of those houses or something. I hope she is not still harboring feelings for Ron, but is more just concerned for someone she had considered a friend and loved at one point. I would personally prefer for her to feel that she could not even think about considering him at all, even if he hadn't been weeded. Though I do wonder how she hasn't either asked or gotten an answer as to what has happened to him before's been over a year since they have seen him last, and months after the battle! I always wondered while reading TBW, and I'll ask here, why they don't just assign a house elf as a chaperone? It seems like that would be absolutely ideal since they have their own strong magics and that could be their sole focus. I also have to say that I hope your story has...less focus on the Harry/Ginny/Luna sexcapades.
diamondnightskies chapter 19 . 7/27
Ah, I like the set-up, though perhaps it would have been nicer for Dumbledore to create little private rooms so families could be disappointed in private! I'm glad to see Hermione is more prepared and less impulsive in this story, even though McGonagall STILL doesn't attempt to prevent the headmasters subtle manipulations.
diamondnightskies chapter 18 . 7/27
I love seeing these moments of their lives!
diamondnightskies chapter 17 . 7/27
Oh no! How sad. I was not expecting that! Well, the Ron part I was expecting at some point...
diamondnightskies chapter 16 . 7/27
Ah...I hadn't even considered that Harry and Hermione could still actually do their seventh year with Dumbledore still alive! Duh. So Bill still has scars on his face...what led to those if it wasn't from Malfoy letting Death Eaters in at the end of 6th year...or did that still happen? It is interesting to realize that in this story her first time would not be with a man with prior experience, and quite frankly I find myself happy that in this instance they do not have a house bed!
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