Reviews for The Lover and The Best Friend
Guest chapter 11 . 7/15
I keep finding myself rereading this most angsty-story-ever every couple of months. Oh how I’ve love it, but despite trying to use my imagination I can’t give it the finish I know you’re capable of and I hope one day to see your amazing writing skills finish the story with Katniss/Peeta together, happy and so in love! xx 3
flash 2.0 chapter 11 . 4/29
pleeeeeeease finish this, I'm begging you. this is by far one of the best fanfics I have ever read, and I finished the entire thing in one day, thats how addicting this was. I'm literally begging you to complete it. you have something really great here, and it is amazing... please finish this fanfic
Guest chapter 11 . 4/25
Please update. With all the pandemic happening I am in desperate need to find some good fanfics to read! I hope the next chapter "time-jumps" to Katniss and Peeta's next meeting.
Camille chapter 11 . 2/3
Hi! This story is great! Hope you are well!
Pitualba2015 chapter 11 . 9/10/2019
When will you update?
coco chapter 11 . 7/27/2019
I have missed this story and your wonderful writing. I hope you’re able to Update soon!
Xenia chapter 11 . 6/28/2019
Please update! I hope you’re doing well.
TwinK21 chapter 11 . 5/15/2019
I hope you are still working on this story. It really is good! Please update soon!
mona chapter 1 . 5/10/2019
Will you be updating /soon?! :)
joanie chapter 11 . 4/21/2019
Hi. Please update soon if you can. Or maybe drop us a Note to confirm you’re still working on it.
Dominions chapter 1 . 2/23/2019
Hey, just a quick review to say I hope you’re still invested in this awesome (& angsty) story? Found myself rereading the whole thing past few days and...ugh...I wish for a super long-ass chapter to drop soon!? xxx
Nan chapter 11 . 1/23/2019
Because Katniss actions speak louder than her words, Peeta should be far away from her. At least for some time.
I agree with Ben Han: I want Peeta to be happy.
Please, up date ASAP…!
BenHan chapter 11 . 1/22/2019
Yeah I'm still not liking this Katniss. She prefers to sit on her ass and play victim, which she clearly isn't, than to own up and fix her mistakes. Her mother is a toxic presence in her life since she's been enabling her daughter's horrid behaviour by putting blame that rightly belongs with Katniss on Peeta.

I want Peeta to be happy, even if it's with Julia. She hasn't done a single thing wrong so it's hard for me to understand all the hate directed at her.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/15/2019
I've been wondering about the status of this story. Thank you for updating. I hope Katniss goes after Peeta. I think he needs a gesture (beyond one that he doesn't know Katniss made by letting him go) to prove that she loves him. Sometimes, I think, it's easier to let someone go than it is to put yourself out there and face the possibilty that they don't want you or that it's too late. Peeta faced years of being unwanted/an attachment/afterthought, so I think he'd appreciate Katniss telling him the truth over a lie made for "his own good." I think she needs to set Gale straight too. I also think that Peeta needs to make a gesture. Peeta is good at understanding people, but he gets so hurt by Katniss' mistakes that he forgets that Katniss has a hard time with introspection. He needs to remember she is a person whose actions speak louder than her words. He needs to stop listening to her words and focus on what her actions tell him.

The two need to see that their parents' advice is colored by their own decisons/hurts, but that doesn't mean that it is the right path for Katniss and Peeta.

Anyway, I really want to see how this ends! I am having a great time!
GoPinkLion chapter 11 . 11/5/2018
This chapter was so damn hard to read. This story has stayed with me since I first found it. I think about it often and wonder how it will end. After this chapter, I don't have high hopes for Everlark.

The way Peeta and Jules are connecting, they are going to be having sex before that reporter can send pictures to be printed. They're both hurting, but if they don't put up some boundaries, they will soon realize that it feels good to be wanted. Even though it would be way too soon for Peeta (he is barely 24 hours from 12, and very newly single), it wouldn't matter because the gratification would be too powerful. Please, do not let him rebound with Jules. It would absolutely be hurtful to both of them. I don't think Katniss will recover if she finds out he slept with someone (especially Jules) so soon after they split. And based on the reporter and receptionist, she is going to find out something. And that something will hurt like hell.

Gale needs to be told in no uncertain terms that Katniss is not interested. That boy is delusional. I hope he didn't buy the house before talking with Katniss. For one, she already has a house. And two, she's not interested. And three, he has a family (not her) that needs help.

Another possibility to the Jules/Peeta thing is that he is he is gaining a friend in her. And maybe he can understand Katniss' relationship with Gale. She cares deeply about him, but isn't in love with him. Maybe that is what Peeta needs to learn? I just hope he doesn't cross the line before he does.

I'm not sure how I feel about the parents and their meddling, or lack thereof. Katniss' mom was correct that her happiness shouldn't be tied to one person. But, is it the right thing to let Peeta believe the lie? And his dad could have also been honest. I know Peeta was hurting and he was trying to be protective. But he is also letting Peeta believe the lie.

Altogether, I'm disappointed and frustrated with this chapter. Twenty five thousand words later, and there still isn't a solution to the conflict on the horizon. In fact, there are even more conflicts. This story is pulling my heart strings badly!
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