Reviews for Checkers
GladouyeLaFripouye chapter 9 . 10/22/2015
aaaargh ! how dare you? is this the end? really? I do hate you! ._. but actually I love you, too... what an amazing story! it's so great, really, thanks for writing, you're a genius and this story is awesome! never stop writing, never! I just love it so much! .. anyway. I wish I could write you something more constructive, but I'm quite tired, and that makes me feel not so much comfortable with english that I'd like to be (I'm a french-native speaker).
but really. never stop writing. never. thanks again for this amazing story!
SailOnMyWaywardShip chapter 9 . 10/1/2015
Okay but checkmate is a thing in chess, not checkers. That's the only real issue I had with that but I like the story, the idea itself is intriguing.
DemigodPrefect chapter 9 . 9/14/2015
SassyDoe chapter 8 . 7/24/2015
This is a seriously great story!
SpencerRemyLvr chapter 8 . 7/23/2015
Aww, I read this all in one go and I really like this :) I love the end bit here, so dang sweet it rots m' teeth :D Great story, cher! Keep up the good work :)
SassyDoe chapter 6 . 7/21/2015
Please update soon I am now hooked
Remember Ember chapter 4 . 7/8/2015
*strangled squeak noise yet again*
Stupid Lucifer...
Gabe would never leave his Sammy purposely.
And Sammy would never hurt Gabe.
Not on purpose. And Gabey knows that right?
-E. Winchester
Remember Ember chapter 3 . 7/8/2015
*strangled squeak noise*
*fangirl mode activated*
*strangled squeak noise again*
-E. Winchester
Remember Ember chapter 2 . 7/8/2015
Their bonding!
...I miss Gabe.
Does he still have his unnatural taste for candy and sweets?
I know it's probably unhealthy, but Gabe has a sweet tooth. Just desserts.
-E. Winchester
Remember Ember chapter 1 . 7/8/2015
Is this Gabriel actually Gabriel?
And if so, I'm guessing he has a new vessel or something. And if he is, why hasn't he used any angel mojo?
-E. Winchester