Reviews for Fate and Hope
Ilovebooks1234 chapter 10 . 12/25/2018
Man, Ive been in a Terminator mood lately. Which is odd, since it's Christmas, Haha. So, I just had to go ahead and reread this amazing AU. To be honest, Im a little bummed that it hasn't been updated in years, but I understand that life comes first. I really love your OC, Olivia, and I definitely ship her with John; those two are freakin' adorable together! I never liked Kate and always felt like she had no true purpose, except to just be the romantic interest. In Salvation, she actually flew to the danger, while she was pregnant. Why? That was thoughtless and a lack of care for the future. This Olivia seems to have her head on straight AND has an actual purpose within the story, great job. Adam IS a child, a spoiled brat; one that wants to destroy the world and cant be trusted. And threatening Olivia?! The closest he has to a "mother"? What a monster! I'd be devastated like John, if she dies in this story. And I'm glad Addy and Johnny have decided to help John find his way back to the right side; he's not meant to side with Skynet and it's very obvious. Leave John and Skynet locked in a room for a day and they'll be tearing themselves apart. It probably wouldn't matter that the damage would only be temporary to each other. Just... This is a great fanfic you've shared; unfinished as it is. This one has to be a top favorite of mine and has actually inspired me to make one of my own. Ive only just started really sitting down and working out the outline and how I want my story to go, but it's getting along nicely. I cant say for certain when I'll be posting it, but I just wanted you to know Im most likely going to say in the 1st Ch. A/N, that you inspired me and to check out your story. Thank you for sharing your wonderful AU.
angel2186 chapter 1 . 3/8/2017
Please don't give up on this!
Guest chapter 9 . 1/30/2017
Please Update Soon!
KatrynaTennyson2 chapter 9 . 1/27/2017
Why do I have a feeling that this story is becoming more Dracula-esque?
Death By Segway Scooter chapter 9 . 10/16/2016
Hey there! I just wanna say this was a pretty good story. The interactions between the family members are very cute. I don't mind your OCs, because they act like normal people, and they don't steal the spotlight. I liked the reason you gave for John and Kate not being together in this universe - it was actually pretty sad, and made me feel worse for John. I would have liked to have seen more, and see how new!John would have reached out to old!John, but I can understand if you don't want to continue.

There are a few things I'd point out, though. As an earlier review pointed out, there's a few grammar mistakes, particularly questions missing question marks, and a few run-on sentences. As for story elements, how come the Connors' dog doesn't freak out at Pops? Also, at the end of chapter three, it both old!John and Adam are right outside the Connors' house, watching them. Why don't they just run in and kill them all right then and there? Not only would they take them all by surprise, there'd be no way the Connors could fight off both a T-3000 and a T-5000 at the same time.

Anyway, it was a good story, and if you ever return to it, I'd definitely read more.
Rei-Shinji-Ikari chapter 9 . 4/21/2016
This is so good. Don't give up on it
Guest chapter 9 . 4/13/2016
So good. Bring on the Connor family time. Update soon I'm suffering withdrawal from not reading more.
Guest chapter 7 . 12/26/2015
Omg he needs to be in a cup me thing with Cameroon from terminator the Sarah Connor chronicles
ktikat131 chapter 9 . 11/30/2015
So far I really like this story :). I love Kyle and Sarah and I loved them in Gen! Especially love Kyle lol.
Ilovebooks1234 chapter 9 . 11/19/2015
Oh man, this story is great. I don't remember if I've posted a comment on this story's review yet, but I've just got to let you know that I love this. Well done, definitely. Although, I'd like for you to know that you've been getting some of your punctuation wrong. Especially when your sentences are formed as Questions; you've been putting periods on the end of most of the sentences that are supposed to be questions. Over all though, this has been a good read. I'm really glad you decided to continue your one shot. I can't wait for you to post the next chapter! But no rush, take your time. Sorry for the long review
Shelllee24 chapter 9 . 11/15/2015
I'm enjoying this story.
thebeesass chapter 9 . 10/11/2015
Liked the moments with John and Olivia...hope that continues!
Aww little Johnny wants to help big John, really looking forward to seeing how that happens!
Great chapter! :)
Zerousy chapter 9 . 10/4/2015
I really hope little John helps big John
Vain x Life Poetess chapter 9 . 10/3/2015
Really lukewarm chapter. Finally Addy knocked some sense into Johnny. It's time that he starts approaching this differently because Addy and Eve made a good point. Sarah and Kyle have been doing the same over and over again and it's failed, it's time to think outside the box.
I like the romance between John and Olivia too.
the guttersnipe chapter 8 . 9/10/2015
I just watched genyes the other night and I was still in that headspace when I found this..

Love your story! Do continue..

Thanks for posting!
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