Reviews for Wound Tight
wingedcatgirl chapter 16 . 4/30
That was a really good fic! I actually cried a lot.
ShiningPaths chapter 1 . 7/17/2019
This is a beautiful story. It really helps to show what the mind of person with an anxiety disorder would look like in the Inside Out universe. I like how June's emotions do share similarities with Riley's, but they also have differences that make them stand out from Riley's emotions.

Fear's utter loss of control over his worries and anxieties resonates with me. He doesn't want to hurt June like this, but he can't seem to stop hurting her, and he hates himself for it. Fear wants so much to keep her safe from harm, but he's doing the exact opposite by having her life be ruled by fear.

Anger's frustration and Disgust's...well...disgust towards Fear's actions make perfect sense to those who suffer from anxiety. People tend to get angry at themselves for letting their anxiety take control of them, and can feel disgusted about it too, especially since disgust and anger tend to go together as emotions.

Great work! This is easily one of my favorite IO fanfics.
1Thunderfire chapter 16 . 3/6/2019
Just going to hug June and Fear now. This was a fantastic, cathartic read. Well done.
1Thunderfire chapter 9 . 3/6/2019
I feel so close to this story and resonating with the characters. It has honestly been too long since I last went on this site but this, and a couple of your other stories, has reminded me what's so wonderful on here. Poor June though and Fear, not to mention Sadness. And Justice. Pretty much everyone really.
Guest chapter 16 . 8/22/2018
I just love this so much. It's my canon expanded universe for how things work for people with anxiety disorders. I want more June.
Pearl Bramble of Willowbottom chapter 6 . 10/20/2017

I'm sure I've read and reviewed your story already. I just want to say again how accurately you've captured what it's like to have anxiety, especially with the loud, red siren, when panic really sets in. Great job, June's Headquarters almost feel like mine, with those details. I'm wondering if you could read and review my story, titled Controlled By Fear. The only similarity your story has to mine is that both of our protagonists have anxiety and so are driven by Fear. Anyway, I greatly look forward to reading your review, if you would like to write one.

Pearl Bramble of Willowbottom.
Pearl Bramble of Willowbottom chapter 15 . 11/4/2016
This is the first story you've written that I've read and I absolutely love it! You made me care about the characters, kept my attention with the fast-paced plot, caught my attention at the beginning, consistently had a level pace throughout the middle and had a happy ending! I'm wondering if I could use your ideas of chains and Worry Orbs for Fear's parts in my story. I'm writing an Inside Out fanfiction myself, if you are interested in reading it.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/1/2016
One of my favorite fan fiction stories. Loved it. Especially the letter at the end.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/1/2016
Give me another another chapter like this, and I swear I'll cry.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/1/2016
Poor Fear...
Guest chapter 6 . 3/1/2016
Oh no. Justice? Not now!
Guest chapter 4 . 3/1/2016
I thought the title fit the story well.
Aurora-cs chapter 16 . 12/29/2015
As somebody who suffers from anxiety themselves, I really enjoyed this story. I'll admit fear rules my life more than it (he) should but if there is a headquarters in my own head then I'd love to tell him he's doing a great job.
Jemjnz chapter 16 . 12/17/2015
I absolutely love this story. Your writing is so emotional. I found it so heart wrenching, it was amazing. I think you accuratly potrayed all the characters well and made them really 3D. I think that the new concepts of Anxiety with the worry orbs and the chain. I think the chain added a unique dynamic to Junes mind.
RandomHamster33 chapter 1 . 11/22/2015
Just the description accurately describes what my whole life has been-controlled by fear. I'm a shy person, too.
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