Reviews for Anything, Everything
To The EXTREME KHR EnmaFan chapter 1 . 12/25/2015
This was really well written! I like this movie but I would loved it even more if Tadashi wasn't dead. I know that him being dead was a major part of Hiro's growth. But it just so sad how an awesome brother/character could be gone. This fic just leaves a sense of hope for me! You are a great writer! I love you!
Ruusaanyc chapter 1 . 7/24/2015
My first assumption before even reading the A/N was that Hiro got Tadashi back (Callaghan got his daughter back, after all), but lost his sight in exchange. The phrase "the world turned to black" coupled with the absence of any description in the last two lines and the way Hiro questions if it's Tadashi speaking were fairly clear signs of blindness, in my mind at least.

That would be a very heavy price for Hiro, since being blind would pretty much rule out being a superhero, and would make his work with robotics extremely hard if not downright impossible. Even at that, I think Hiro would be content with his bargain.
AliceKat chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
The summary kind of scares me, but it also makes me sad. ._."
Huh. Interesting how this maybe demon(I really can't think of another option) lady warned Hiro not to say "Anything/everything".
Heh? Favourite? Makes me think of a person that is able to watch realities as though they were movies, and has... what term was I going to use... something-bending... Reality-bending powers?

I'm just going to go with that they didn't have to give up too much, maybe the superhero thing, meh. But I definitely want that to be the real Tadashi, alive and well. And, I suppose, that Hiro keeps his character development (all memories and such) too. I just want a happy ending.
Mellow Paranoia chapter 1 . 7/16/2015
I SMELL YUUKO ALL OVER THIS. And ha! Hiro IS smart enough to know just how much wishes weight to their price, but exchanging one type of grief for another is most definitely not that. And of course Hiro would have to travel back in time to achieve his wish, typical of the Dimentional Witch of Time and Space. This one-shot really gives you some food for thought if this really could happen ヽ(;;)ノ
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
No! This can't be a oneshot! You have to continue! ...please?
thatcrazyjellyfish chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
Amazing story! Absolutely loved it !
zestychicken2 chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
This was a really interesting concept! I really enjoyed the way this was written; it was very professional but personable at the same time. I really liked,of course like all of your other stories, Hiro's thought process through the entire thing. The little details, like that they just stopped a bank robbery and that he had thought about using his microbots as weapons were nice touches that made this a fun, quick read! :)

I wonder what your thoughts are in the end of this story? What you meant to happen? I'm the sap that hopes for the best ending, and I was afraid for a moment that you were going to take away Hiro's memories and that would have just caused all sorts of problems. I respect that this is feeling complete to you now though I am curious about where you were going to go with it :)

Once again, excellent work! Sorry there wasn't much to this review, I'm on my phone and its a lot harder to pick through a story that way haha :) I swear I am still going to catch up on stories, especially napkin notes!

Till next time!

regularshow565 chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
This is amazing, great job. :)
ellieisnotonline chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
Please make it more than a one shot. Please!
NeonBlackRoseRevived chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
Even tho I'm sad this is just a one shot, I absolutely LOVED it!
Sibi Ar chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
Warrior Nun chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
YuugiYY chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
*pouts* I love it, i really do, but...i want to know what happens...