Reviews for Ghosts
LovelyLovelyLove chapter 2 . 1/30
So unbelievably sweet
FairyTail IsLife chapter 2 . 6/26/2019
I just realized how many it is to think about COBRA dying in a CAR ACCIDENT.
Motorcycle accident for Lucy Ashley is total spot on. I can see that.

...I LOVED it! This chapter was...I don’t know. But is was amazing. The first one was sad, but this one...I loved it. Thank u for this.
FairyTail IsLife chapter 1 . 6/26/2019
That was so sad! Why would u do that?!
IWriteToSurvive chapter 1 . 1/17/2019
I'm not crying... there's just a lot of dust in the air... *sobs*
This was very, very good, darling. Keep it up and I hope to see more beautiful work from you!
indraaas chapter 2 . 1/8/2019
I thought this was a really lovely way to end the fic! Kinda like a cycle of ghosts, finally ending in nothing but life. Pretty darn poetic. Nice job!
general zargon chapter 2 . 1/7/2019
So beautiful! *Is crying because FEELS* I absolutely loved this chapter, thank you so much for posting it! Ghost!Erik not actually being a ghost was a really nice surprise. :) Best of luck on your writing!
Ray Hitoshi chapter 2 . 12/24/2018
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful it's going to be one of the best FanFictions I've read so far.
4evrDorkly17 chapter 1 . 12/17/2018
*Is actually crying very hard...and continues to cry*
I just love it when I’m proven wrong, like “lol /you/? Not reading sadness and crying like a bish? You can’t even help yourself and not read this heart wrenching story!”
Thanks for the tears and the wonderful story!
primordialpaper chapter 2 . 12/16/2018
Oh my GOD! The somber funeral opening scene had me preparing for this to be an angst-fest, only for the next scene to be ghost!Cobra annoying Lucy and haunting her fridge. Cobra the Friendly Ghost, nagging Lucy about her health and protecting her from still-hot stove tops. And apparently drunk drivers, too! That was such a nice reveal, but the reveal that Cobra's ghost had simply been yeeted out of his mortal body was even better! This was such a nice conclusion!
howlingwolvesonfire chapter 2 . 12/16/2018
This is so sweet...thank you for finishing this. I needed a good little cry ;_;
varee chapter 2 . 12/16/2018
So incredibly sweet!
When you wrote Erik as a ghost at the beginning I was sure they were in a continuous circle where they never could actually meet; I know the first chapter was not suggesting this kind of ending at all, but it emcould/em be a strange kind of tragedy...
Hurray to the actual ending!
Thank you for deciding to finish it.
PrincessOfFT chapter 2 . 12/16/2018
Aaaaaccckkk! This is so cute!
im ur misconception chapter 2 . 12/16/2018
awww that was amazing. I am in tears and pouting. my kitty is nownpurring and trying too soothe me. I loved this ending.
varee chapter 1 . 12/14/2018
Oh... Oh. Ouch. Poor, poor Erik, even when we saw it a mile away.
How is he going to grow up? Will he use 'Cobra' as name here as well? Where is Lucy's ghost from, any ties to the canon or just a stray ghost with sad story? Why - too many questions, not enough chapters!
How do you manage to pique my interest with so little is amazing. I really love your every story, haha..
Dragon of Winter chapter 1 . 4/17/2018
WHY WOULD YOU BREAK MY HEART LIKE THIS! it was so happy and sweet and then...
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