Reviews for Feeling the Pull
lojosmom chapter 26 . 11/27/2017
lojosmom chapter 13 . 11/27/2017
I have been there too. My problem wasn't getting pregnant. It was staying pregnant. For me, the fourth time was the charm and I was blessed with an amazing son. My sister was not able to give birth, but she adopted another incredible son. I wish you all the best, but also remember there are other options. There is no difference between the love I have for my son and the love my sister has for hers.
lojosmom chapter 11 . 11/27/2017
James Sirius cracks me up! I don't know what Harry and Ginny were thinking when they named their firstborn after two Marauders. :)
lojosmom chapter 10 . 11/27/2017
Perfect Sirius chapter! He behaved exactly as I picture a school-aged Sirius behaving.
lojosmom chapter 4 . 11/27/2017
I love the relationship between Andromeda and Teddy. I always picture her as being stoic. I love that Teddy brings out her soft side.
Alexandre.phenix chapter 10 . 3/24/2016
Black Sabbath 3
093402192832323 chapter 39 . 3/13/2016
That was beautiful, thank you so much! I love it!
I need a sequel though. O.O You can't end it like that. I need more. MOOOOORE
MandyinKC chapter 39 . 3/7/2016
Yay! You're writing again! This was sad, as George and Angelina often are. I do like the idea of George taking control of his life, to do it on his own. He'll be stronger when he returns. And I love the photograph! Hope to see more for you.
DolbyDigital chapter 33 . 12/21/2015
I really liked this take on their relationship. I loved that she wasn’t going to take him back straight away, and that she was going to make him work for another chance with her. I especially liked that she held her ground even after he told her he loved her - that’s something that doesn't seem to happen in a lot of fan fiction.

I’m a little confused about how he managed to smash completely through the windshield of a car with a rock he was kicking, though. I think it’s more likely he might have just cracked it. Regardless, though, I did enjoy this. It was well written, and I didn’t spot any mistakes, and I loved the place where you decided to end it.
DolbyDigital chapter 31 . 12/20/2015
I think you did a good job with showing a part of the relationship George had with his daughter. I liked that it was just the two of them, and he was taking her down to the shop to see how he made his products. Normally, I usually see George doing this with his son or one of his nephews, so it was nice to see him with his daughter for a change.

I think at times, however, Roxanne seems a little older than she was maybe intended, since I’m guessing she’s nine or ten at the oldest. I thought this was nice, though, and I loved how - even though we didn’t see her in this, and she was only mentioned briefly - we could still see some similarities between Angelina and Molly.
DolbyDigital chapter 28 . 12/19/2015
I think this is an interesting idea. I’m guessing that this is when she’s pregnant and that’s why she’s leaving?

I think it might have been nice to see some of her reminiscing in flashbacks, just to get a better sense. I also think that this might help to add emotions to those particular scenes, though I know due to the D&D competition, you had a very short word limit.

I really liked the first line, and I liked how it was used again at the end. It’s almost like she’s repeating it to herself like a mantra. And I loved how the meaning of this line changed from the beginning to the end. At the beginning, it felt happy and then at the end it showed everything she was giving up.
DolbyDigital chapter 29 . 12/19/2015
I think this was a nice look at George right after Fred’s death, and I liked that Angelina was there to help him through it. I did think, though, that perhaps you have George recovering - or at least starting to - a little too quickly. And Angelina is originally telling him that she can’t deal with helping him anymore, and yet she goes on to say that she’s going to be there for him. I’m not sure if I’ve misunderstood something, but it does seem a little inconsistent.

I did notice a few mistakes here, as well. [What do you me] should be [mean], and the first sentence reads a little strangely; maybe [sunlight casts] might help with that, though I’m not entirely sure. Also, I think maybe you use the word [she] a bit too much, and it can get a little repetitive. I would suggest trying things like [taking a deep breath, she opened the door] rather than [she took a deep breath and opened the door] (just as an example).

I did like that you have them taking things one step at a time, at the end, and that not everything has been resolved. I think this is a really promising start, but you could turn it into something really amazing if you perhaps had it take place over time rather than in one night, and had George improve/change more gradually.
realismandromance chapter 38 . 11/7/2015
To tell you the truth, I only chose Fairytale!AU because I wanted to see how the trope worked. The fact that you picked it even though it's not your thing makes you a good sport. Thank you so much for the early birthday present! It's interested to see the characters of Harry and Ginny portrayed in such a different context. I like the inclusion of Cho Chang as well.
MandyinKC chapter 36 . 11/3/2015
Wonderful! I love that Katie had a home birth, and all the women there to help her. And that you presented her labor without any of the cliches (not once did she demand Oliver's, erm, head on a tray). And the tender moment when she asks for him at the end of her labor was so lovely. Don't you want to give these two their own fic?
Dragonsrule18 chapter 38 . 11/3/2015
Great chapters!
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