Reviews for Terra Incognita Continuatio
Guest chapter 5 . 5/3
A satisfying, sweet and thoroughly appropriate fill in for the episode. Thank you! Characters and setting were on point and I can only assume you have masterful research skills or you’ve worked in an ER. Very well done!
Deep Sorrow chapter 5 . 12/11/2019
Thank you for sharing this, it was very good.
NinjaDevil2000 chapter 5 . 8/26/2019
My heart is broken and crumbling. I don't think I've read anything this sweet in a long time. I loved it. Thank you so much for writing this. this is one of my favorite episodes. I loved it and loved this story in turn. Thanks again. :)
DancingInTheDark85 chapter 5 . 11/16/2017
The episodes are never long enough, because we needed something like this to finish it off. Thank you.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/14/2017
Wow beautifully written
angeliena chapter 1 . 6/17/2017
Love the story!
Guest chapter 5 . 4/18/2017
Fantastic story, thank you for writing this
Anonymous chapter 5 . 7/13/2016
Awesome story, very well written.
ypj50401 chapter 5 . 2/6/2016
This was so well written and tied up important points of the story. Thank you. I love all of your work!
TheHiddenMemory chapter 5 . 7/25/2015
Thanks for writing. I enjoyed it.
TheHiddenMemory chapter 1 . 7/25/2015
Not a big Root fan, but it's nice to see her actually caring for Reese for a change. Completely agree with you that this episode ended abruptly. Really enjoying this so far!
Phoenix615 chapter 5 . 7/22/2015
This was beautiful in a very subtle way. These are two men who have grown to respect one another. A with our beloved Carter intervention from beyond the grave Reese can now feel comfortable becoming Finch's friend. John may now feel that he can ease himself out of the shadow world where he has existed for so long and begin to live in the light. Great job!
Arches67 chapter 5 . 7/21/2015
Thanks for this
imo126 chapter 5 . 7/20/2015
Puh, das war mal wieder ne klasse Story, Karin. Ich freue mich immer, wenn du wieder was veröffentlichst. Mir geht es ähnlich wie dir, aber das hast du ja sicher schon realisiert. Dieses dünn über die Gefühle und Gedanken unseres Helden bzw. unserer Helden gehen und die Bevorzugung der AI ärgern mich jedes Mal. Ich bin fast aus der Haut gefahren und hab ja auch trefflich mit argumentiert, als Reese die Kugel für Finch abfing und es dann in der nächsten Folge weiterging, als wäre nichts geschehen, bis auf ein bisschen Blut vorne am Hemd und etwas weniger Aktion für John... Aber ich reg mich schon wieder auf, und das nach DER tollen Story. Bitte, bald wieder. LG Inge
SailorChronos1 chapter 5 . 7/18/2015
Thanks for writing this. I also thought the end of the original episode was too abrupt and I wanted to know who had been in the car. You've done a nice coda to the episode and exposed some of Reese's innermost feelings, making it seem logical for him to react in such a manner.
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