Reviews for It's Difficult to Make up an After Story for the Harem End
3 chapter 2 . 5/27/2017
Please come back!
Floppingpenguin chapter 2 . 7/23/2015
Lol. XD

Poor Gintoki. XD.
This reminds me of episode 239, only he'll apologize and gets antagonized by everyone, shockingly even the stalker Sacchan. I lol'ed at China and Glasses, clapping when Otae and Kyubei are going to play "Polo" with Gin-san, only that he is the ball. XD. We need thy Zura, Elizabeth and Sadaharu in the next chapter. Heck, even the Shinsengumi. XD. Bet Sougo will love it. XD. Keep it up, this is funny.

- RavenousEds
Shitposter-kun chapter 1 . 7/17/2015
Loved the chapter and really do hope for more. Bordered on smut at the beginning, but it was very funny throughout. Poor Shogun Gintoki, dying with honour(?)[citation needed] on the battlefield.

10/10 would read nob gags again.