Reviews for How to Write a Poem - by Echizen Ryouma
SarakMay chapter 1 . 9/26/2015
Is sakano the teacher?
mjp03 chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
Gods this is amazing. The first line was similar to one of Shakespeare's sonnets, Sonnet 130: My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun. It's amazing how original you have made yours to be.
'Every breath you take
Is another stolen from me.'
This was perfect, not only the subtle but strong adoration I could fell from it, but it was also the perfect bridge to the stanza. The only thing I had a slight problem with was the final two lines.
'But I bet you will soon...'
From the beginning, your poem gave me the sense of artfulness, elegance and beauty. It was fluent, and the perfect pace, and it was very very very smooth, flowing so gently. But then, when I reached that line, the word 'bet' threw me off everything. It just sort of carved everything out. 'Bet' wasn't necessary there. You could've just said: But you will soon.
That too-modern and unrefined word clashes with your previous regal ones.

Thy beautiful words,
The flaws breathe life into art,
And takes mine away.

A haiku for your poem, though it can't possibly begin to compare with yours. I look forward to more ;-)
