Reviews for Asylum
Guest chapter 29 . 7/12
The clones have covid. Execute order 66
Guest chapter 17 . 7/12
this fanfic is making me cry. THANK YOU!¡!
FrozenFlames12 chapter 16 . 7/6
This is too good for my unworthy eyes to be blessed with.
FrozenFlames12 chapter 10 . 7/6
Why wouldn't Obi-Wan take Anakin with him?
FrozenFlames12 chapter 6 . 7/6
Nooooo. Poor Anakin! You are marvelously sadistic and I am really enjoying this. Love the story so far.
Lmppsc chapter 33 . 7/5
that was a nice ending made me happy and stuff. ;D
Guest chapter 33 . 6/22
"I am free." That brought tears to my eyes.
rambledore chapter 33 . 6/21

thank you!
rambledore chapter 32 . 6/21
fucky es that was an amazing chapter and im so so proud of you for writing this!
rambledore chapter 31 . 6/21
oh shit dawg i completely forgot about this fic despite reading it since like 2017 hell ye time for a binge read!
sexystarwarslover chapter 33 . 6/8
"I'm free" at last he is free - Palpatine is dead and Anakin is with his family and hopefully be with Padme and having kids
can't believe we've reached the end {btw I'm following your account on AO3 so I can read more stories
the clone wars is over they did it!
yes you did Anakin, Palpatine is dead
Anakin brought balance - the prophecy is fulfilled
Anakin and Padme reunited!
aw he twirled her
KISS! KISS! KISS! *they kiss* *squeals* ah!
it MUST involve Padme
vacation time!its well earned
Obi Wan resigned? ah over the attachment rule is that cause he was in love with Satine always I knew it lol
AMAZING STORY! great concept love it!
Katla1 chapter 33 . 6/7
The Force being in balance and Anakin being balanced is so freaking good.
That KISS was so freaking good!
This story is so freaking...

omg. this review will be short and sweet. I could go in depth. point out all the flaws. this story is not structurally a masterpiece by no means. but you know what? it is one of my favourite stories in the entire world. that includes published works. I will NEVER forget this story. EVER EVER EVER. Thanks so much for your dedication to it.
May the Force be with you.
LowTide1322 chapter 33 . 6/7
I just read this story start to finish in like three days and lemme tell you it is amazing. Like this should be a published book. And the ending you picked for anakin is so right because all he ever craved was freedom and for his loved ones to be safe. And it totally woulda been so cool if in the movies Darth Vader was like the Winter Soldier, and obiwan actually thought anakin was dead and what he told Luke was technically true... Anyway, this story is wonderful for those with mental health issues to read, and it is just amazing like I’m actually at a loss for words. Congratulations on following through with this story and you deserve all the kudos and love and support for writing Asylum! Thank you for this, my friend!
Courtesy Trefflin chapter 33 . 6/7
This ending was so perfect it literally made me cry. I'm so happy for all them, and they definitely deserve their happy ending. This is one of my favorite fanfics _ever_, and that is something which will never change. Rarely have fanfics been able to get me this deeply invested, and I'm elated that I was given the opportunity to read this story. ) chapter 33 . 6/6
A beautiful ending, for an incredible story. This story is perfectly written; beginning to end. Thank you. May the force be with you... always.
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