Reviews for Aligerous
reauvafs chapter 4 . 2/5/2017
Uuuugh, It's rare to find a time-travel fics on Death Note (especially Near).

The plot seemed not so fast so we can enjoyed how Near's plan (and not just tell everybody like 'Im near from the future. L dead along with Kira. Oh you dead too Mello, also Matt' thing) to prevent the death of L and others and Light's plan to eliminate everyone (especially L and Near) that made him fail miserably.

Near and Matt's interaction was very good. Matt was suspicious something about Near didn't right and trying to convincing him to tell him what's wrong (even asked 'you are Near, aren't you?'), and what a great idea searching L's whereabout from the amount of cake bought by someone in the hotel xD

And why Near, why you ordered Mello to kill Kira? (why don't you the one who do it!1!1)
Tbh I'm inerested with your story because the summary is... Great. Like it makes me want to check... Why Light awaken along with Near... Before they even meet? Could it be a time-travel... And then it was right and I'm satisfied xD

But it seems you don't update again, do you? It's 2017 now but I'll wait, maybe someday you want to update.
(because you didn't make Near and Light's re-encounter yet... That's why I will wait...)

Uugh.. Seems like I write too much...
hachinonana chapter 4 . 2/21/2016
Oh jesus damn it. Light is such a huge megalomaniac it's ridiculous. His god complex is so apparent in his head I'm kinda amazed at his talent for being able to hide it. I'm rooting for Near! I like him building friendship bridges with Mello and Matt, though they're more like alliances at this point.
hachinonana chapter 3 . 2/21/2016
Haha wow that last part made me smile. Near's making me happy too! His way of speech sounds so accurate but adorable :)
hachinonana chapter 2 . 2/21/2016
Nooo Light, he's really so condescending. I'm kinda in love with Klum she (he? it?) sounds cute!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/24/2016
Wow youre really good, i love your story :)
Tlgrimn chapter 4 . 1/23/2016
You are so awesome.
antiignition chapter 4 . 1/20/2016
Finally! I love how Near, Mello and Matt are coming together as friends (or friendlier than before), and have no unnecessary yaoi feelings. Then again, I wouldn't really expect that from you anymore, it looks like they'll stick to being IC, which is a good thing. I have to say that it was well worth the wait, your writing is as amazing as ever.

I see that Light's still delusional even after dying. I love the insanity of his character, but you would think a person would change a bit after being shot and dying. Oh Light- I love you, but please calm the fuck down with the whole God thing. You're already a God of Death! Anyway, loved the chapter as usual and looking forward for more to come.
Carley-Carley-Carley chapter 4 . 1/20/2016
oh fuck yeah!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/23/2015
Oh I am adoring this story. Your writing style is gorgeous and this plot is new and intriguing. The characters resemble the originals so closely it amazes me. I'm very interested in seeing what happens from here on out. Brilliant job.
antiignition chapter 3 . 9/16/2015
Wow. This is really good. I have to say, your writing style amazes me. The concept also amazes me. I most definitely want to read more. Great job.
Tlgrimn chapter 3 . 9/15/2015
Ahhhh! This is so cool!
Guest chapter 2 . 8/15/2015
Please continue this because it is very excellently written, and Near, so far, is very in-character! The way you've written his thought processes is both humorous in how analytical it is and beautiful in the way you've worded them. Your writing style is so very detailed and ornate, I can't get enough of it. I'm loving this story.
acidburned chapter 2 . 8/4/2015
Hello. I went to reread the first chapter again because I wasn't quite sure what was happening and the first time I had speed read a little. I got that it followed up with the final few chapters in Death Note where Light & Co are in the warehouse and he gets found out and Ryuk writes his name, and you are re-writting Light's death scene. The parts that confused me was the bits in italics and open inverted corners that jumped from Ryuk's speech in the beginning to Light's (?) at the end. I am guessing from the "noo" onwards it's Light, yes? Anyways, on to chapter 2! So Near's not dead, and merely got thrown into time? Or is he is some weird heaven/alternate reality? (Don't need to answer that haha) Interesting! I could imagine the orange juice scene happening in the manga. Also, I really want to know how Klum looks like haha. He sounds adorable so far, like a mutant wide-eye, elephant-faced, Jabba-tailed, skeleton-armed mess. Oh, you might want to edit a small bit: "He voice lingered off.." to "Her voice.." :)
acidburned chapter 1 . 7/27/2015
Wow, well, this is certainly a different fandom indeed haha. Anyways, glad to see you back here again! Hope you are doing well, or at least better than before. I am not a huge fan of Death Note (I reeeally don't like Misa haha), but I love your writing style. So far this story is intriguing, I do love Near and I wanna see how he ends up :)