Reviews for The Revelation of Truth
realSkyEyes chapter 3 . 5/25
Thank you so much for fixing Battle of the five Armies! I, also, love Thranduil and was dissapointed how cruel and cold PJ portrait him, although Lee Pace as Thranduil was the perfect cast choice. This was truly a great story, one worthy of Tolkiens work.
Silver-crowned Valkyrie chapter 2 . 3/17/2019
What a wonderful chapter! Everything about it was touching. Your choice of having Legolas learn the truth about Tauriel and his father through the earnest conversation of others was very clever. But what a bitter shock the poor elf must have endured, to finally know that his dearest friend Tauriel was not as pure and innocent as he believed. But he is a gentle elf and a loyal son, and he wisely chose to rejoin his father and ask for his forgiveness. And how could Thranduil ever turn his only son away? He only sought to calm his heart, as a loving father would.
Congrats for awesome writing!
Silver-crowned Valkyrie chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
Oh, I think this is how the movie should have been! Thranduil is a noble and just king, not some villain who cares only for gold and jewels. And you wrote him so well. I also liked the battle scenes, they were so vivid. But I mostly liked when Thranduil confronted Tauriel, and her ignorance, selfishness and naivety became apparent. Thranduil would never willingly sacrifice the lives of his own people to aid a small group of dwarves. But she only cared for one dwarf, and disregarded the lives of her own kin. How absurd is that? It angers me that in the movie she was portrayed as a heroine, and Thranduil as a villain. But anyway! I also liked the ending of the chapter, when Thorin called for Thranduil and made amends of sorts. That last line about the elves' silent steps and how they should wear bells about their necks was incredible. There you have the dying dwarven King, and while as a reader you expect the atmosphere to be grave and sorrowful, Thorin says this and immediately the mood lightens. But at the same time it makes you feel for him deeper, and be sad for his passing...
Glykal chapter 4 . 2/27/2019
First of all, I must confess that I fell in love with Thranduil because of Lee Pace. I liked him of course (besides it’s hard not to like elves) but after I saw the movies I loved him. The fact that he was written as a flawed character didn’t deter me from appreciating how well the actor embodied him. And I may even have enjoyed the fact that we saw an elf who behaved more “humanely” and in stark contrast to the typical wise and omniscient elf. That being said, I understand why people didn’t appreciate how distorted movieThranduil was compared to canonThranduil. Furthermore, I am more interested in reading a good story than judging the author for her/his preferences, and this story is a small gem!

It started with despair and gloom and ended with optimism and brightness. And in the middle there was a vast range of emotions from sadness to humour and joy, felt by people who matured and learned and became better. According to Aristotle this is the path to catharsis in ancient Greek tragedy. This story actually reminds me of tragedies written by Euripides not only in structure (people fighting in ominous situations beyond their control, making hard decisions, achieving victory due to their capabilities) but also because it evokes strong feelings and teaches something without explicitly teaching it. Impressive!
Well done!

P.S. I don’t know if what I wrote here makes sense, because it is very very late (or very early in the morning, depends on how you see it) and I am struggling to stay awake lest I forget to leave a review (I am know to do that), and I am not a native speaker (greetings from Greece!) so I am prone to mistakes especially when I am tired... But I had to offer my congratulations to an incredibly talented author who has blessed us with some amazing stories.

P.S.S. So happy to find out that there is a sequel to this!
clmoryel chapter 1 . 2/3/2019
THIS is how it should have happened in the movies. Thank you for depicting a more well-rounded Thranduil than the movie version (although I absolutely agree that Lee Pace completely nailed his character, at least within the confines of PJ's vision).
Alsoevery elf should be born with a bell tied around their neck" made me snicker!
mystarlight chapter 4 . 12/31/2018
I am really sorry to say goodbye to this story. THANK YOU for writing and sharing. You made my day with the magnificent Elvenking!
mystarlight chapter 3 . 12/31/2018
I am so glad that Thranduil got his necklace back from Bilbo and that Legolas decided to stay. It would be really selfish if he decided to leave his father alone after battle and I love that after supporting Tauriel, Legolas feels shame. THANK YOU!
mystarlight chapter 2 . 12/31/2018
This is one of the best stories about Thranduil I have ever read! I can only say with frustration why the movie wasn't done that way. Your portrayal of Thranduil is amazing. He is a great wise compassionate king loved and respected by his people. I love what you did with the horrible scene in movie when Tauriel confronted him. The thoughts feelings fears of the King are perfectly written. I love when the strategy is presented and we know why Thranduil makes his decisions. Thranduil's fighting skills made me forget about breathing but loyalty of his people commenting Tauriel's behavior made me overjoyed. The scene was presented so well! Thranduil saying goodbye to the fallen- this sight is moving to tears. Father's love to the son is overwhelming it could not be better done. You are AMAZING WRITER with magnificent talent. While reading I could almost see the battlefield and Thranduil fighting to get to Legolas. Thank you so much for your wonderful story. I am looking forward to reading all your stories.
mystarlight chapter 1 . 12/28/2018
Breathtaking story. I love Thranduil! Thank you!
Mary Beth Mc Coy chapter 3 . 9/9/2018
Thank you for sharing a story that expresses Thranduil’s true nature: one of inherent goodness, compassion, generosity and love for the people of his realm. I enjoyed reading this.
Mary Beth Mc Coy chapter 2 . 9/9/2018
Beautifully written!
Raptured Night chapter 3 . 6/25/2018
I really do love this. I tend to separate Tolkien's canon from the canon of the movies, in the same way, I tend to read the Harry Potter book canon as separate from the movie canon (both their own canon but also distinct from each other). So it's always nice to find stories that follow closer to Tolkien's books. I felt that you captured the spirit of Thranduil as he was characterized in the Hobbit and I also really enjoyed your other characterizations. Very nicely done, thank you for this story!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/22/2018
I love your story, it is very lovely. And I agree with you on how they made Thranduil look in the movies. Having read the book myself first and seen how awesome he looked in the trailer, I was shocked to discover how he was portrayed in the movies. I really do not like Tauriel, at all. And Legolas in the movies is so very different from how I imagined he would have been if he would have been mentioned in the books.
earthdragon chapter 4 . 11/2/2017
Fabulous story and very well written. Your version of Thranduil is exactly how I imagined him to be - a noble king who loves his son and subjects, and whose subjects love him.

Although I enjoyed the film of The Hobbit, the way Thranduil's character was written spoiled it for me, as he wasn't like that in the book. He was shown as being cold-blooded towards the dwarves when they had to flee Erebor, yet what were the elves supposed to do? Sacrifice themselves and get completely wiped out just so that the dwarves could regain their mountain? Tauriel herself was totally unnecessary to the story, which was all about Bilbo and his adventures, NOT about some ridiculous invented romance between an elf and a dwarf. It would have been better - and more realistic - if the romance and been between Tauriel and Legolas instead, although, in fact, Legolas himself doesn't belong in The Hobbit either. It was blaringly obvious that Orlando Bloom was no longer the fresh-faced actor who starred in LOTR. No amount of special effects could cover up the fact that he actually looked older than the actor playing his father (which he is). Much as I like Mr Bloom, it would have been better if he hadn't been in the film at all; his heroics could just as easily have been performed by Thranduil - and should have been.
chloegreenleaf chapter 4 . 10/28/2017
A lovely story and thank you!
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