Reviews for House of Mirrors
Guest chapter 11 . 8/3
I read about half of this and then gave up. Some readers may really like this alternate Reid, but it just seemed really unbelievable to me. The story was hard for me to push through because I did not like the concept or the weird surprises that did not fit with the Reid we all know. And it still bothers me that severe injuries aren’t addressed after they happen. After the severe torture from the “Doctor”, Reid was able to take him down, with his broken ribs, and after escape just carried on like he had no injuries? These characters aren’t super human. If you like CIA Reid this May be something you love, but not for me.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/2
Reid was horribly tortured. Burns, Brocken ribs, tears inside his mouth and, no doubt, internal bleeding from the beating. Yet once fee he was able to walk out to find the team, manage JJ’s tight hug, and then just carry on it’s as if he’s just a bit banged up? Sorry, but that makes no sense at all.
AyundeShellzZ chapter 15 . 4/15
Noooooo! Spencerrrrr dont fuking die on me
AyundeShellzZ chapter 14 . 4/15
this too much
AyundeShellzZ chapter 13 . 4/15
Brehhhhh this shit is crazy
AyundeShellzZ chapter 12 . 4/14
Im sad about Leo and poor Scarlett
AyundeShellzZ chapter 11 . 4/14
AyundeShellzZ chapter 8 . 4/13
Omggggg Im in the EDGE of my seat !
AyundeShellzZ chapter 6 . 4/13
This shit is crazyyyyy
AyundeShellzZ chapter 5 . 4/13
Daaaamn so sis miscarried?! fukkkkk
AyundeShellzZ chapter 4 . 4/13
No hell no! No you did NOT kill off Spencer jeezasssss
AyundeShellzZ chapter 3 . 4/13
The suspenseeee omgggg
AyundeShellzZ chapter 2 . 4/12
The suspense is killing me! So deliciously good
AyundeShellzZ chapter 1 . 4/12
This is absolutely interested, you’ve caught my attention definitely
words lady chapter 17 . 5/30/2018
amazing !
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