Reviews for Wolfish Tendencies
helloimakwardhowareyou chapter 18 . 7/12
can you continue this? is really good, you dont have to of course but could you conform that its discontinued please?
LordDarkFluff chapter 18 . 5/24
really hope this gets picked back up soon I'm loving it
tallon2692 chapter 18 . 7/30/2019
fantastic story was wondering if you were gonna finish it if not it was an honor to read I thank you for the honor of reading this story
Rainbow Prime chapter 14 . 5/26/2018
Who are the openly homosexual characters in Harry Potter again?
Rainbow Prime chapter 1 . 5/23/2018
Wait...her mate ran off to join Albus Dumbledore? So, you're saying that her mate ABANDONED her for Albus Dumbledore?! WELL THEN! I have a thing to say to that mysterious person! https(colon)(double forward slash)www(period)youtube(period)com(forward slash)watch(question mark)v(equal sign)zKr7uuDMkns
ThunderSphinx chapter 8 . 12/23/2017
What on Earth made you think Durmstrang is in Bulgaria? It's in Scandinavia. You were way wrong, lol.
Scabbers1957 chapter 18 . 9/14/2017
This is a very interesting story so far, I'll add it to my story alerts to see what happens next.

Wrabbit75 chapter 18 . 1/25/2017
Not a bad story, though it feels really rushed. You blew through the Harry's growing years, then right on through his first two school years, just to get to this point, which is fine (though you missed out on some golden opportunities for world building). However, now that you've gotten to the real meat of the story, you don't seem to be showing any signs of slowing down. Events are glossed over with just a few paragraphs, or worse, a few sentences, and no time is taken to build these characters, or their relationships with one another. Even Harry's "romance" with Luna is hardly more than a footnote, even though it was built up in the comments and the description.

You're not a bad writer (though you need to be more careful about homonyms), but I really wish this had been fleshed out more, even if it came at the expense of a speedy delivery. I like this story, and I love the premise, but it is just too rushed and thin.
Jbld2 chapter 14 . 1/1/2017
The whole gay thing i dont really get. If they're part animal then being gay would be impossible unless in specific werewolves their attraction in on the human level. Or maybe im just thinking way to hard about this;)
FalliaDeMort chapter 18 . 11/29/2016
Don't leave the story...
WolfieRed23 chapter 18 . 11/27/2016
Oh man I didn't think I'd fall in love with this story when I first found it but you are an incredible author! I love how you wrote this and I can't wait to see the rest! I'm also wondering who Draco's mate will be...I'm hoping it's Hermione. I hope you update soon!
huskielover94 chapter 18 . 10/25/2016
this is great.. cant wait for more
Marshman101 chapter 18 . 10/24/2016
Aww the ending was adorable
ILoveGeorgeEads chapter 18 . 10/21/2016
i loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved was great.
MrsMorgan813 chapter 18 . 10/20/2016
thank you for another chapter. loved it
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