Reviews for Wildflowers
Kitty in the Box chapter 1 . 7/21
Living this. I love the insight into Bates' childhood that has greatly affected him into how he would be like in fatherhood. I love that it peeks into that aspect about him, instead of simply drowning in domestic bliss. I love that he has his fears and hopes that love will prevail in the end.
Woadangel chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
This is such a sweet story! Even though it was written before the beginning of season six, I love how neatly it fits into cannon. I could see it all so clearly, including the sweet shy Marigold bringing the small bouquet of flowers to Bates. I would love for you to add more to this. I could see Marigold opening up to Mr. Bates in the months before Edith is expected to marry Bertie, perhaps even helping with the transition of a new father. Any way, thanks for this fic!
LatonaEnelraCain chapter 1 . 3/16/2016
This was such a sweet story! I hope you decide to write more of these stories where Bates interacts with the little ones! You're such a gifted writer!
JamesLuver chapter 1 . 12/16/2015
I really enjoyed this, and I liked that it was quiet little Marigold that helped John to come to terms with and overcome some of his fears about his own abilities as a father. The final scene with Marigold bringing him flowers was one of the loveliest scenes I have read in a while, and it was the perfect way to highlight the fact that John will be a wonderful father when Baby Bates comes along.
jadenanne7 chapter 1 . 8/4/2015
Just dropping by to tell you that I have a special spot in my heart for both Banna and little Marigold, and that this is a beautiful one shot.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
This story is so sweet. Marigold and Bates - a shy girl and a brooding man. Your storytelling is amazing.

PS: I wish you would continue writing your story "Old wounds"
theglamourfades chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
Such a lovely, lovely idea! It's nice to have the Crawley children appear with respect to Bates and Anna. I don't suppose we'll ever see it on screen, unless Fellowes had a premonition about this story before you wrote it (which I highly doubt).

I feel like you captured their natures well - inquisitive Sybbie, George asking about his father. And quiet little Marigold. She's very cute, and I can see how her temperament would match with John's. I especially loved it when he expected her to run away crying from him but she smiled instead. Adorable.

You captured Bates's backstory and childhood so well, in so few lines. I'm glad his father was a good man. Fussy, expectant father!John is always something I love, and he's just the right level of concerned here. I can also completely see that reasoning as behind Anna wanting to work for as long as she could.

The last scene was lovely in every way, and a wonderful way of showing John that he really doesn't have anything to worry about, even if he can't stop worrying by nature.
Kristen APA chapter 1 . 7/30/2015
Awww, this was so lovely. A very good look into Bates' mind, and Marigold was just so sweet!
Historical Obsessions chapter 1 . 7/30/2015
This was such a lovely read! Thank you for brightening my evening!x
Isis the dog chapter 1 . 7/30/2015
Children get right to the point, don't they? I sometimes wonder if Marigold can speak at all since she never seems to say anything. John's powerful backstory has huge repercussions since Anna has come into his life. His doubts are perfectly in character for him. As always Anna will be right there with him through it all. They are a team and he is not going it alone. Of course John is going to worry about Anna, but I am glad he has taken her feelings into consideration. I love the thought that John aided and abetted the Crawley children's adventures. He has won their confidence just by being himself. Thank you for this lovely look into the future!
dreamer 3097 chapter 1 . 7/30/2015
A good story
tammyteresa64 chapter 1 . 7/30/2015
I just absolutely love this. The children playing and their escapes from nanny and their friendship with mr bates and it helping him to see he will be a good father and Anna pregnant. Perfect. I love fics with the three cousins. I so hope they show them having some fun maybe escaping the nursery during an episode of series 6.
Awesomegreentie chapter 1 . 7/29/2015
Ok, who are you really and what have you done with our angsty Eady? Lol. Just kidding, you know I always love your work. This was beautiful and fluffy and I loved it. Although it is a little hard for me to believe Bates would catch them out and let them off that easily. I imagine he wouldn't turn them in but he would caution them about disobeying Nanny. Of course he will be a phenomenal father and I can't wait to see it, whether in fanfic or on the show.
Gelana chapter 1 . 7/29/2015
And now I am a squishy puddle of fluffy goooooooo.
So delightful! Thanks.
lemacd chapter 1 . 7/29/2015
is it possible to ship bates and marigold now? i mean, in a little girl and her teddy bear kinda way? ok, yeah that's just weird. i apologize.

but i love the idea of the children being fond of bates (and anna). it makes sense, but like your story suggested, they wouldn't be seen by the children very much. oh well. fic makes right.

as for bates and his self-doubt, the back story perfectly explains why he would feel that way (though i suspect all men fear they won't be good fathers... i mean, the good ones usually do. it's kinda what makes them good fathers). the part you wrote, that he was sure anna wouldn't let him hurt their child but it would diminish her opinion and affection for him was amazingly good.

i can't stop thinking of bates and marigold situations now... like marigold asking Donk where bates has gone for so long.

another homerun. great story.
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