Reviews for Dragonstone
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 8 . 7/23/2018
Stannis is quite ooc here.
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 6 . 7/23/2018
The Silver Prince was undeniably foolish though.
Flyingfox1994 chapter 9 . 3/23/2017
Awesome story and chapter. Really love your changes to Stannis so he's less of a dick and more progressive, especially with the connection to Rhaegar and his throwing out of Melisandre. Also enjoy the bickering between Renly, Stannis and Cersei (never really seen anyone hint at those two being together before). Great fic and please continue!
Guest chapter 4 . 2/3/2017
Very OOC Stannis. Too friendly, for one. Also, he favours water (sometimes with lemon) over wine. "I like spicy wine" is not true
Guest chapter 3 . 2/3/2017
They killed Drogon! Noooooo
NemoTheBeast chapter 1 . 8/3/2016
Just finished reading all 9 chapters, hope to see Stannis relationship with the targearyens develop and Stanis taking over the world (mohahaha).
(Very nice story followed/fav)
Zucharest chapter 9 . 6/5/2016
I really like Stannis on this story. He is less angry and much Brainy. I hope you can explore more about Stannis and Daenarys relation and how Stannis react diffrently when Joffrey become King.
Beloved Daughter chapter 7 . 3/26/2016
Awesome story! I particularly love Stannis' relationship with his daughter Shireen. Just too cute. I can't wait to see what you will write next. :D
Charming the Snake 13 chapter 6 . 2/6/2016
Once again thank you so so so much for the review) I appreciate it very much.
I'd really like to give a long answer on all of the points you've made, but I don't want to give away too much))
I'm 150% pro - Stannis and I completely disagree that his view of the world is black and white. He's too smart for that. True, he's a bit crazy about justice, but IMHO he's also very flexible morally, politically and religiously. In the books at least.

As far as Rhaegar goes... again, Stannis is a very smart guy, who didn't choose rebels over loyalists for no good reason) Yes, he loves Rhaegar and he may be grumpy about Robert, but he isn't blind to his childhood friend's faults like Ned is blind to Robert's... I hope I'll be able to show that in future chapters at least half as well as I'd liked to))

As for the conservation... I know what normal saline is) It definitely wasn't known in the middle - ages. I think it was first used in the 19th century. And I think you meant that SSS (saturated salt solutions) would be good for cadaver conservation as indeed they are, but they were definitely not an option in the middle - ages. Neither was formaldehyde or any other embalming fluid. I think...
Honey, on the other hand, was used for cadaver conservation in Egypt, Assyria and other countries, even in the Ottoman empire, so that's where I got the idea from. At least I read about it. I don't know what the embalming process was or what other components were used, though.
Crudy chapter 6 . 2/6/2016
Stannis is right to side with his brother. Rhaegar is just as mad as his daddy. Who in the hell abducts/elopes with the already betrothed 17 year old daughter from one of the great houses? A big idiot, that is. I fear you are going into pro-Rhaegar bias with this direction. As much as I enjoyed reading your made-up background of Stannis, the actions of Rhaegar are inexcusable and I've never believed for once the brave, melancholic angel persona some characters and a lot of fanfic writers are worshiping him to be. He was douche to Elia, and got her and their children killed in a war he started. He acted irresponsibly with the Lyanna affair thereby proving to the world he is not worthy of being the heir, much less the king, of the Iron Throne.

As you can see I'm no fan of Rhaegar's. Sure there are loads of repulsive ASOIAF characters I could choose from but I have yet to see one more absolved and romanticized than Rhaegar Targaryen. While I have ignored the OOCness of the characters I don't think I can overlook inconsistencies in their characters. Stannis, who see things in black and white, right or wrong, doesn't seem to be the type to defend a guy like that. This is the same guy who still chopped off the fingers of the man who saved his life because of his past crimes. So Stannis should know better with Rhaegar.

I understand why Dany would have such a rose-colored view of her brother. Even in the books she refuses to acknowledge her father's atrocities and still calls Robert a Usurper and his allies as the Usurper's dogs.

That aside I really liked Davos in this chapter. He's like the totally nosy friend with only good intentions. His thoughts on his family was really cute. The confrontation between Dany and Stannis was well done, with Dany being completely in character aka acting entitled like the world owes her an apology.

Sooo, Stannis' black-haired, black-eyed lover might be Elia since they apparently have interacted. I seem to recall you explicitly stated it wasn't Lyanna but you didn't deny it was Elia either ;)

Preserving the dragon's head in honey is really a curious thing. But I really think that's a bad idea as honey is only spoil-proof because of its low moisture and slightly acidic content but if you add a dragon's head to it, it won't keep long. I suggest a normal saline solution, which is the equivalent concentration of body fluids and used to keep exposed body tissues from drying out. It is one part salt to nine parts water.

As I don't see Stannis returning to King's Landing any time soon, I'm dying to see one of the KL courtiers make an appearance as that would shake things up. I would prefer Robert or Renly as I'd like to see how Stannis would interact with his LIVING brothers (yes, emphasis on living). Or maybe the whole court appearing at Dragonstone to see the Dragon Slayer himself. I can only imagine Ned, the Lannisters, Littlefinger and Varys at Dragonstone, and Stannis trying and failing to be a gracious host with crazy Selyse in the mix, rofl. Then when Dany gets discovered Stannis can just claim her as his bastard daughter since there are a lot of dragonseeds on Dragonstone. Okay, now I'm going crazy and confusing your fic with that other fic.
Zachariah1337 chapter 5 . 1/16/2016
I'm really enjoying your version of stannis. I'm looking forward to reading more.
Duesal Bladesinger chapter 5 . 12/31/2015
That last line. XD
"No, you idiot!" LOL
Crudy chapter 5 . 12/28/2015
Yasss! An update!

The secret is out! What will Dany feel about Stannis now? And lmao at Dany for thinking Stannis and Viserys could ever be friends!

I feel as if Melisandre will not down without a fight. There's no denying she has power and magic of her own too. If she already believes Stannis is Azor Ahai, she won't stop and I have a feeling she might cause trouble in the future.

Omg, who is Stannis' black-haired, black-eyed lover?! The references to a forbidden love had me thinking of Elia Martell (married to Rhaegar) or Lyanna Stark (betrothed to his brother Robert and then "stolen" by Rhaegar). If it turns out to be Lyanna, I'll have to side eye this. Stannis just doesn't seem to be her type but then again we know little of Lyanna but I know Stannis and he would despise the tomboyish, wild Lyanna. Maybe she's simply a common born girl which is still forbidden since Stannis is high born. Oh, the suspense is killing me!

I hope you explore more of Stannis and Robert's relationship beyond Stannis calling him a slut. I just find it impossible that Stannis could harbor such hatred for Robert. He is still his brother after all and most of his insecurities stem from Robert because he is obviously a big influence, both good and bad, on his life. Yeah, Robert treats him like shit but he probably doesn't feel he does cos you know that's just Robert being Robert and to his credit Stannis is a whiny, humorless bitch, small wonder he is widely disliked. But they still grew up together, they were together when they saw their parents die, and Robert has not abandoned Stannis, he gave him a lordship (that he could have given to his son the crown prince), a position on the small council and had him lead his wars.
Charming the Snake 13 chapter 4 . 11/16/2015
OMG!OMG!OMG! Thank you so so so much for your reviews. It's always nice to get some, but the ones detailed with likes and dislikes are extra appreciated and awesome. I'm very glad you enjoyed my modest efforts and I'll update as soon as I can.
I'd also like to answer some of your questions, but as for the rest of them... wait and see ;)
IMHO one of the greatest things about fanfiction is that setting the fic in an "AU" allows the ficwriter to bend time, space and logic to his/her will, but still use his/her favorite characters. So most of the timing in this fic is different from both the books and the show. This is also a crossover, so some referred to events come from the GOT series, for instance the incident with the doll Stannis bought for Shireen, which gave her Greyscale.
Rhaegar is definitely dead. But his memory lives on in Stannis' and other peoples' minds. Neither Robert, nor Ned Stark know of the twincest yet, but Stannis knows and you'll soon see him putting that knowledge to (arguably) good use...
Crudy chapter 4 . 11/16/2015
I can't help but notice that Dany keeps on referring to Stannis as her 'savior' and did she just check him out and called him attractive? Ooh, Dany you and your big, strong warrior fetish! If you only knew...!

I love the interaction between Stannis and Dany, even though your Dany seems OOC at times. Stannis seems less tense and, I daresay, contented around her? I think she is a refreshing change from the crazies in his household and the exasperating court of KL. Or maybe he gets a perverse satisfaction from defying Robert, is that it? Still, I love how he dismisses and calls her out on her 'female logic.' Also, she kinda inadvertently boost his image now that he is the the 'Dragonslayer' *chortles*

Shireen is adorable! Of course any child would want to see a real dragon. I bet she is real proud of her papa!

Oh, Selyse... Are they really dishing it out in public like that? Embarrassing display from the Lord and Lady of Dragonstone. Wait, what is this doll is she talking about?

Bwaah! I wanna know what happens next so bad! I pray to the old gods and the new you will not abandon this fic and update ASAP. In the mean time I will check out your other ASOIAF fics :)
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