Reviews for Behind the camera
bb chapter 3 . 8/2/2016
what if arcee in prime when she was captive by arachnid she was instined tickled tortured
jc chapter 3 . 7/15/2016
I could see sideways from armada sent into either transformers, prime or animated and help the autobots as a second chance
Kiva chapter 3 . 7/13/2016
Oml, these're absolutely hilarious! I love it! The creativity and inventive use of vocabulary to portray the differences between Cybertronian and human terminology and culture is quite refreshing. Not to mention the juxtaposition between the character's on-screen personalities and the amusing alternative personas you've given us. I'm so glad you sent me a link to this and I'm elated to read what's to come! :D
OfLifeDeathAndAllBetween chapter 3 . 7/12/2016
BB, Megs, Giant Space Dorito, and Bad ass Truck play Skyrim
Esperanza Hyde the Vamp Queen chapter 3 . 7/11/2016
Oh dear god, Cliff and Arcee were the vest by far! Thank for using an idea of mine, I can't believe that worked out. Megzy and Prime doing the tango...Best. Thing. EVER! XD *nosebleeds*
I got one for Animated: Sentinel Prime, being the big, bitchy, ass-chinned baby he is, gets into one of Bumblebee and Sari's pranks where he's strung up by the roof and can't get down no matter what he does. As time goes by, the Autobots declare open season on him and each of them have a turn doing whatever to him. Ratchet could use him as a wrench throwing practice dummy, Optimus can either bore him to tears or give him the punch he deserves, Bumblebee can be a mean little shit and use him as a piƱata also hitting him where the sun don't shine, Bulkhead would probably paint him for the hell of it and Prowl could set a plant or some really sticky organic thing near him and watch him squeal like a little girl.
Damn, I'm one cruel little bitch. That makes me glad! Can't wait for more! Please update soon!
ss chapter 3 . 7/11/2016
what would happen if jetfire was in prime universe and could combine with optimus in that universe
ss chapter 2 . 7/11/2016
thank you I loved it so much keep writing
RoboDiamondDragon09 chapter 3 . 7/11/2016
I've got one! For Prime universe, while Cliff and Cee are taking a well deserved break from energon patrols, Cliff decides to randomly kiss her, then runs away, only to be grabbed by a angry Arcee. All of a sudden someone pops on some romantic music and boom! You can decide what happens then!
Awesome chapter as always! Keep it up!
RoboDiamondDragon09 chapter 2 . 7/11/2016
Awesome chapter! Urrrggghhh! I can't think of anything to suggest!
Anyway, keep it up!
RoboDiamondDragon09 chapter 1 . 7/11/2016
OMP This is amazing!
Plz continue to write this fanfic!
Esperanza Hyde the Vamp Queen chapter 2 . 12/11/2015
Oh my god, I busted out laughing once I read this! I love it! Maybe for Prime verse you can try Knock Out and Breakdown having a dance off in the woods before getting spotted by either Soundwave or the Autobots. Or even better, Bumblebee joins them!
please-delete-me-3276423 chapter 1 . 8/12/2015
Oh my goodness, yes!
CarsCars2Fanatic chapter 1 . 8/3/2015
Do you think it's possible to get some G1 Jazz bopping through the halls of the base and singing to some song on the radio? XD
AspenDragonLord chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
XD You should maybe do one with the flue, in Bayverse!
Stellar Spark chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
About the movie verse one: Wow Ironhide you are so nice to the fem bots

About the second G1 moment: Okay I would expect Cliff and Sideswipe to be complete afts and do that but not you Wheeljack! Way to ruin the moment guys!

Those were pretty funny, I can't wait to read more.
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