Reviews for The Price of Immortality
aliixo chapter 1 . 8/4/2015
Wow! This was so good! You've really gotten Shadow's thoughts on point. I've always imagined him actually thinking like this, but I feel kinds bad for him. I actually understand why he wouldn't want to get close to the others to avoid getting hurt. But maybe there is a way for him to become mortal? I mean the Chaos Emeralds are just so handy they're used for everything, maybe they could help him too? Just a thought. Anyways, you should've made this one-shot longer! I really liked the depth you've added throughout it, plus you make a really good Shadow the Hedgehog. You better update your other stories soon please!
Chessmasteroftheuniverse chapter 1 . 8/3/2015
Nice, shadow, some day you will see maria again.
Taurus Pixie chapter 1 . 8/3/2015
A nice in depth look into Shadow's thoughts and emotions on himself. I think you captured it really well. I do feel bad for him, I really do. I guess even the ultimate lifeform would have a hard time coming to terms with immortality, knowing he'd have to watch the people he knows die, just like we discussed. So yeah...errrr...happy to help with the inspiration I guess? Overall, a nice little one-shot and it's rare to see Shadow's thoughts and feelings in such well captured detail. Awesome work!