Reviews for The Whole Truth
IceonFire7 chapter 1 . 9/19/2015
This is really fabulous. I'm just sorry it took me so long to read it. I loved the idea of the truth serum making Bass tell Charlie the truth. But honestly, I loved it even more that he COULD lie to her but didn't want to. Just such a wonderful story. :)
ShyRomantic chapter 1 . 8/16/2015
Hey! sorry I haven't been reviewing as much as I normally would, I just wanted to let you know that this story was super cute and I loved it! Bass on drugs seems to be a favourite of mine. Something about a doped up Bass that won't stop smiling and being a tool is juts kind of my favourite thing ever!
driver picks the music chapter 1 . 8/14/2015
This was super cute and sweet and I loved it! I love that he was so honest with her even when he didn't need to be anymore, and I loved Miles reaction to his honesty about her boobs and her
banneg chapter 1 . 8/14/2015
You are so creative and such a consistently engaging writer. It is so easy to visualize the characters interacting with the details you provided, and I love the topic! The idea of Bass having to tell the truth then choosing to use The situation to tell the truth was wonderfully creative. Thanks for a fun read, B
BassCharlie-SparrowHawke chapter 1 . 8/9/2015
You already know how much I love this, but I just had to say that it was great to have Miles laughing and having a good time. Even when Bass was saying things Miles really didn't want to hear he was still laughing about it.

I think my favorite part though was when Bass answered Charlie's unfinished question...Did I ever? I loved his responses to his "did I ever" and that he doesn't want to lie to Charlie anymore.

Seriously enjoyed this :)
TexasRevoFan chapter 1 . 8/7/2015
I swear, I wrote my latest one shot before I saw that you posted this - apparently both of us are playing with the theme of Bass and Charlie finally being honest with each other. :) I love this (I was the Guest who wrote the first review, from my phone.) Cracks me up that Bass led with commenting on Charlie's tits, lol. And I LOVE Bass' monologue with the "Did I ever…" So intense and hot!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/7/2015
Lovely! Such a fun twist that he was able to lie the whole time-I did not see that coming!
wildirish chapter 1 . 8/7/2015
The fluffy feels. And drugged Bass, even lying, is still too adorable for words. Nice story Lemon. Short and sweet. :)
predestined chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
Okay this was really funny at parts and so fufilling. Loved it all!
Maddoxstriter chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
That was flippin great! I've needed a good laugh lately and you just made it happen. Your stories just keep getting better and better. I keep thinking your going to run out of ideas but here you are with another fantastic one. You're amazing!
dixie326 chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
Loved it. I was thinking that it was either gonna end where it had already worn off or Miles was gonna get to Austin and they were going to discover that the truth serum didn't actually work. And God help Bass if Miles ever finds out that it had worn off before Bass was making the "nice tits" comments to Charlie, lol.