Reviews for The Legacy of the Most Unpredictable Ninja
Guest chapter 47 . 8/2
Vamos no la puedes dejar en esta parte te todo comienza a tomar forma y te as podido con la costrucsion de las relaciones entre personages por favor actualiza necesito la siguiente parte
Samuel Santillan chapter 45 . 7/16
A Power's Convergence sube el capitulo 6,7,8, de esta historii quiero saber si llegan a la fas la fase 3
yeah chapter 4 . 7/13
naruto was like talk no jutsu didnt work!? DOES NOT COMPUTE DOES NOT COMPUTE!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/9
Why are the best stories always abandoned
Guest chapter 47 . 7/7
Me encantó está historia un poco tardaron las cosas en llegar al punto pero cuando final mente lo Asia todo cuadraba tan vien que no tengo quejas lo único es que tengo una duda kushina o mas específica mente su rol en esta historia y si tal ves ahora nunca podrá ser pero me hubiera en cantando ver como usabas esa pieza y la novias en la trama que as creado

por si nuca continuas la historia gracias por todo el entretenimiento que me brindarse
Jigen chapter 47 . 6/21
We deserve to have chapters of Naruto having ecchi time with Mio, Maria, Yuki, Rias and Akeno. It's a must so please come back.
xSean chapter 47 . 6/19
Crazy too think it's been 2 years, your fics are truly some of the best out there too.
Paradoxity chapter 7 . 5/26
Remembered this fic exists and now I feel like shit. Had a fantastic story going, one of the best on this site. Don't know why its abandoned but I just hope you're doing okay.
Manuel chapter 31 . 5/22
Naruto esta muy op, las cosas se vuelven aburrido si se vuelve muy op y tu lo vuelves mas op de lo que es, a este ritmo tendras que llamar a sasuke para una pelea decente :v
Uzumaki-dono chapter 10 . 5/15
You don't know how much I love this shit you created. It is my 4th time reading this fic and never get bored. I hope you are okay and happy wherever you are in the world. Eagerly waiting for an update if you haven't abandoned this amazing story.
zuyiko wolf chapter 1 . 5/6
3d time reading fanfiction still awesome
Diobrando44 chapter 2 . 5/4
nothing changed bruh u fucking added 3 New oc's or character from other anime..."
YuanDxD chapter 16 . 5/2
The banana in a boat chapter 47 . 5/1
Man I really love your story dude. Even if you don’t plan on ever updating this ever again , I just want to say thank you for writing this. This helped me get through hell that was my childhood and made my day a hella lot brighter when you updated. Thank you for creating this world and taking your time to expand it. Just thank you in general and hope that you have great success in what ever you pursue.
Guest chapter 47 . 5/1
Damn, just at the best part it stopped. Naruto was finally going to share his past with everyone.
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