Reviews for when flight falls short
Kylarileiza chapter 7 . 5/11/2018
Hahahaha! And Kurogane's dirty manga makes itself known in the series, hahahaha! Oh, Kurogane, you looked, you looked! xD No good(or bad) deed goes unpunished in this life! Oh, man, any time characters that were in X/1999 show up, I just remember when my siblings and I watched that and would fall into choruses of "Subaru! Subaru!" I don't know how my brother even happened onto that series)
Ah, Fai's fight was awesome and it sure was telling that the mall had feed of it up and posters and everything! I mean, who could blame them with that much damage having been done. But I'm glad the store was still willing to cooperate and supply Kurogane and Fai with adult supplies, lmao. You just gotta purchase some dildos and frilly panties for that feather, omg, too perfect, haha. That was amazing. Absolutely, 100% amazing!
Kylarileiza chapter 6 . 5/11/2018
This is like my favorite chapter! I love how it started with Fai having horribly vivid nightmares and Sakura trying to offer some comfort before he leaves the car. Then Kurogane informing him that he's saved wine for "time of need" and that Fai's screams had woken up even Syaoran. Aw, poor Fai, talk about someone who does NOT want to be the center of attention in that sense. Kurogane is very understanding though I did like his freak-out regarding his father until Fai was suddenly saying nice things and, as Mokona would say, WHOOSH! (YES. WHOOSH)
Kylarileiza chapter 5 . 5/11/2018
Kurogane is right, Fai is restricted by ghosts of the past. Might be awhile before he joins you in the present, sorry, Kuro; patience is a virtue and all that jazz. And running scared isn't dealing with things but Kurogane really doesn't know too much (yet!) regarding Fai's past. And it would seem odd to hide playing the piano from the children even saying it's an adult cafe (what, Fai?! but I can see that so easily). And Fai still pretending like nothing's happening even though he's getting so involved.
And I love that Fai has scarred fingertips from trying to scale the tower to reach his twin. And Kurogane is determined to find out how he has those fingertips!
Kurogane being so concerned about Taran being a threat was endearing (haha, the very trait Kurogane is trying to avoid recognizing in Fai!).
Ah, yeah, that talk to Sakura from Fai, I admittedly skimmed over it some. I can see the merit in Sakura being curious and Fai figuring it better he explain it than she go asking someone else. But, yeah.
Anyway! Loved the Kurogane and Fai bits and agree with Kurogane quite a bit here lol
Kylarileiza chapter 4 . 5/11/2018
Kurogane being all concerned over that kiss was sweet, poor Kurogane, you really feel for the guy here, ya know. Fai-mommy and Kuro-daddy return (thank you, Mokona! and the fallen Fai-mommy bit courtesy Fai, lmao) and Kurogane refused to let Fai leave by himself in the vehicle despite his attempts and Fai continues to be in denial (apparently, for, like, ever). Kurogane is so perceptive (those tingly ninja senses?!)
I like how Kurogane is figuring out more and more and Fai's is just trying to pretend nothing is occurring. Pretend is Fai's favorite game, which, I mean, I can't really fault him for that and I have a feeling Kurogane suspects the same and will eventually feel the same. Kinda seems like he already does.
Kylarileiza chapter 3 . 5/11/2018
OH~ I forgot to mention about the last chapter, loved that Syaoran interrupted them, ahahaha, that poor kid, he can't catch break here!
Kurogane dispensing compliments and Fai remembering his comment about cinnamon.
Ah, yes, the piano! I can definitely see Fai playing the piano. I'm glad everyone has got a job. I love Mokona (in case I haven't said that enough!)
Kylarileiza chapter 2 . 5/11/2018
Yes, thank you Kurogane for sewing a bleeding cloth, lest you EVER forget! xD
Oh, man, talk about intense between Fai and Kurogane and SO MUCH tension. And Kurogane telling him he shouldn't have to do it alone and Fai just wondering why on earth Kurogane even cares. And that dull ache in Kurogane's chest he doesn't want to acknowledge. And Fai not wanting to acknowledge ANYTHING. But Kurogane is so perceptive with that whole thought of 'you who is running and scared but still wanting to protect the children' (well, like, I paraphrased, but still the point gets across, I think!).
Kurogane being jealous of that whole, would you kill somebody they loved if they asked you? and just ALL OF IT. I LOVE IT ALL.
Kylarileiza chapter 1 . 5/11/2018
Oh no, poor Fai, that free-falling sensation reminding him of, well, the real Fai. Probably was a little similar to how the real Fai felt (though I'm sure that one felt relief, too, and hope for his brother- he didn't have a magical creature or clone princess to fret over). Again, I'm glad he used his magic! And we had a glimpse of the real Fai (or Yuui) underneath the facade. And his thought of doing that for a week if it would keep Sakura safe (aw!).
Fai being totally miffed about Kurogane basically staring at him (maybe it was the head injury?! LOL) was hilarious and kinda understandable because at that point, as Fai though, they were almost "too" involved. I mean, Fai has a lot of secrets, who wouldn't be paranoid in his position. Most would probably turn into chain smokers, I'd imagine.
And I have always loved the dynamic between Fai and Mokona and it is going strong in this series and I'm loving it!
Kurogane knowing right away that Fai is going to be making paper birds due to the magic is just like that ninja. Also, I like how Fai reflected on the fact that Kurogane was maybe twenty five and yet spoke to Fai like he was actually an idiot and younger than him, hahah!
TheBloodyRoseCrusnik chapter 7 . 5/13/2017
I absolutely loved that little Horitsuba Gakuen reference you threw in there. Little sneak.
Chevonne Knowles chapter 7 . 6/16/2016
This is a really good story I haven't read many well-written stories in this fandom. Thank you so much for posting on this site. You'll be definitely going on my favorite stories list
alguien22792 chapter 5 . 5/23/2016
Oh my god. The talk was awkward as fuck.
Love this btw XD
Shkira chapter 3 . 12/24/2015
The feather in a sex shop is super amusing, considering it lends great power to whatever it is close to... ;-)
Guest chapter 7 . 10/10/2015
Okay so it's me, the speechless guest again, and... basically. Wait no, I told myself I'd actually say something useful this time. Just, give me a moment.
Alright, I was suffering an unfortunate lack of computer for a while there, so it was nice to come back and check this to see a new chapter.
Seishirou was a bit of a nasty surprise in the sense that his entire existence is a nasty surprise. But even though I wasn't expecting it, I certainly didn't dislike it! I adored... well, pretty much everything about how Fai handled that situation (protecting Primera! Excuse me, I need to sit down for a little while!)
And just.
And the entire disaster that was his picking out those items. And just. His everything. Thank you.
Other than that, something I've been meaning to comment on is how much I love the way you write relationships. Not even the romantic ones (though I'm not denying the KuroFai is basically perfect in every way because who'd I be fooling?) but like, the whole Tsubasa family. Especially the scene with the nightmare (and the sex talk oh my god), I just really love how you wrote Sakura and Fai with each other.
I'm pretty sure this is basically my favourite Tsubasa fanfiction?
I think I might just have to reread this a couple of times while I wait for the next chapter...
Long story short, keep up the good work!
(Also sorry for the long review wow. Guess I'm not so speechless anymore!)
Guest chapter 7 . 9/18/2015
On to the next world XD

I do wish all the arcs were placed in one large story so I didn't have to go and search for the order and resubscribe each time but it is easy to follow so it isn't too much of a hassle
Guest chapter 6 . 9/16/2015
I honestly don't even know what to say.
I just... really love this and am a little speechless? Sorry, I'm not particularly coherent right now so I can't get specific but just... everything is really perfect. And the characterisations are just the best? And everything is just wow. Yeah. I like it basically. A lot.
Guest chapter 6 . 9/11/2015
Mokona is Adorable!
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