Reviews for Chaos Bound
Birthdaycat87 chapter 11 . 1/21/2019
sooo hot
RibbonRevolution chapter 1 . 12/28/2017
Bound to falling in loooove!
Uh-huh honey~
I couldn't resist making a dumb reference!
Anonymous The Nobody chapter 6 . 3/16/2016
Undertale! -rolls away-
Kaleidoscopic Lover chapter 17 . 12/14/2015
Well, I finally got around to finishing this, (things have been crazy with me recently, haven't had time to read or write) and let me say well done on another great story. :)

If I had to be critical, I'd say the Mpreg/Miscarriage thing was a bit of a curveball in this one. If it wasn't the set up for a sequel I'd find it to be too much of a sudden downer ending. But a sequel there is, so I hope to see the ramifications of such a significant event explored. I'll be reading that one in good time.

All that being said, it's still very well-written, and I wish you the best of luck with your future works!

Keep up the good work,

Sonic the Dovahkiin.
The Sapphire Prodigy chapter 17 . 12/4/2015
No! Why did he have to lose his baby? I'm still crying from shock! On top of that, that doctor said he only had one shot? Oh my God!
HardSonadowFanGirl chapter 17 . 11/30/2015
Oh poor Sonic and Shadow! And I kinda figured that Sonic might be pregnant. I was really hoping that he wouldn't lose the baby though. However after what happened it is understandable. And that really sucks that that was their only chance to have a kid and it got ruined by Eggman! Bet Sonic is going to want revenge and he might not stop Shadow this time either! Im so happy that there is a sequel to chaos bound because that would really suck if the story was to end like that!
JJJester chapter 17 . 11/30/2015
Omg I knew it. I just knew it. That is sad tho why you give a me the's So good
Tirainy chapter 17 . 11/30/2015
You did a great job at this story! It was really amazing!
DiamondFever chapter 17 . 11/30/2015
*cries an endless river of tears*
Seeker Heart chapter 16 . 11/23/2015
Oh my goodness, things r about to turn south. And why do I have a feeling Sonic is ... I can't say it!

Whatever it takes, I hope the team will beat Eggman and show him who's boss.

Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep it up.
HardSonadowFanGirl chapter 16 . 11/23/2015
Oh my! Is it perchance Dark Sonic? If it is I wonder what it is that pissed him off so bad? Maybe Eggman did something to Shadow or Cosmo? Either that or told them about the trap he set up for Tails and Knuckles? It's sad that there is only one more chapter left but at the same time you look forward to it wondering how it will all end! I can't wait to find ou outg and what will and is going to happen next week!
DiamondFever chapter 16 . 11/23/2015
Yus! I love this chapter! Keep up the good work, this story is amazing!

Still feel bad for Sonic tho.

HardSonadowFanGirl chapter 15 . 11/16/2015
Oh crap! Sonic snap out of it! Your a hero! Don't just ignore Shadow and help him think of a way out of your situation! Though it seems that there might be a really good reason for why he's acting the way that he is! And he feels empty? Were did the blood come from? I think I have a clue as to what happened though I might be wrong! I guess that I'll just have to wait and see! And seriously only about 2 chapters left? Wow this fic seems like it went by fast though it has been extremely action packed and totally awesome! I can't wait to find out what will happen though it's saddening to think that it's nearly over! I hope it all turns out well in the end!
Seeker Heart chapter 15 . 11/16/2015
Man, this is getting serious. I hope for everyone but this nightmare will end. And I don't like that Soinc feeling defeated from whats happen out there.
I'm glad Shadow is still trying to stop this madness.
I hope Knuckles. Tails, and Rouge be okay and win this battle.
DiamondFever chapter 15 . 11/16/2015
Crapcrapcrap I realized what's wrong with Sonic D:

Don't let it dieeeeeee! That would be so sad!
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