Reviews for The New Mr Peabody and Sherman Show
BlueAardmanDreamworksfan123 chapter 4 . 7/12/2016
Do you know when the 3rd season will come out? That LITERAL cliff hanger really left me anxious to see more! By the way, how long did it take you to finish Season 2? It took me about 2 or 3 days to finish it! I usually binge watch shows like that! Last thing; in season 2, does it seem like Mr. Peabody is out of character? He was acting so childish and rude in that season, and Sherman acted like the responsible adult.
Writer65 chapter 5 . 3/28/2016
The end of season 2 was awsome!
BlueAardmanDreamworksfan123 chapter 5 . 3/20/2016
I am already on the last episode of season 2. I probably would have finished earlier but I couldn't get enough of episode 8: Peabody's Diet. Watched it two times in a row and had a dream about it. I might make a fanfiction on my dream.
jerry.tiberlake864 chapter 4 . 10/25/2015
I absolutely agree with you, I would rate the show 8/10 to encourage them for the season 2, hopefully its better than the season one.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/9/2015
The show is way better than what it seems, I liked it, I really did! The new characters r also amazing, like Christine! She's awesome now that I know her (and I know that she didn't marry Peabody xD)
I also liked Peabody freaking out all the time xD
jerry.tiberlake864 chapter 3 . 10/10/2015
I totally agreed with guest previous comment "the long one" and also agreed regarding to the sherman's teeth when hes doing like a full gap like the on the a beginning of the show. But I still enjoy the show #big_fan
Ellis97 chapter 3 . 10/10/2015
Wanna know what I think? The shows very plebeian.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/8/2015
To TexasBornMind and company:

A.) You're "sure" that DreamWorks offered Ty Burrell the chance to reprise Mr. Peabody? Can you actually confirm this? Have we officially heard from Mr. Burrell regarding the new "Mr. Peabody?" Has he actually stated anything as to whether or not he declined the role, or whether DreamWorks/Netflix even chose to discuss it with him? Let's not presume to speak for Mr. Burrell until we hear something more concrete.

B.) Yes, DreamWorks can say that the new 2D Flash animation is 'paying homage' to the classic "Mr. Peabody" visual style. However, my belief remains that the studio was simply unwilling to invest in a CGI-animation budget to reprise what in its mind was a flop. The studio has already made it clear that they are looking to recoup a $50-million-plus loss. That's why this new 'toon is being made. And 2D animation is simply is a less expensive way of doing it.

C.) Speaking of the visual style - Yes, I have seen the Theme/Intro and Cleopatra clips. And I am still unimpressed. The visuals, to my eye, look to be a cross between Jay Ward's old style and Spumco's ("Ren and Stimpy"). In particular, Sherman's open-mouthed, gap-toothed grin during the intro looked downright ugly! But then, I suppose that the real test will be as the new series premieres and progresses, and we can all judge for ourselves as to how much wit and humor is put into those half-hour scripts.

That's my opinion, and you are all most certainly entitled to yours. One last thing -

D.) The 'Fanfic Script' rumor - Two words, capital letters - FORGET IT! And here's why - Two more words, capital letters - THE UNION! To put it simply, the Hollywood entertainment business is 'heavily' unionized, like it or not. These unions cover everything and everyone, including actors, directors, musicians, cinematographers, and yes, even writers! These unions all work to ensure that their people are employed under safe conditions and that they paid fairly. And the unions will all 'seriously' frown upon any studio that hires 'outside' help that takes away jobs from union professionals. It could be considered a breach of the studio's union contract and they could face heavy fines. Again, to put it simply, if you have any hope of writing a script or submitting a story to "Mr. Peabody and Sherman," you'll need to quickly do three things -
1.) Join the Writer's Guild of America. (This is the screenwriter's union.)
2.) Find a WGA-sanctioned writer's agent. (This is the person who will help you officially submit your story proposal, and...if you sell it, negotiate your contract.)
3.) Have your agent set up a meeting with "Mr. P and S"'s story editor.
Now, put yourself in the story editor's shoes - You're in charge of the new "Mr. Peabody" scripts. You need a set number of new half-hours per season. You need them NOW! And it's a given that the SE, whoever he or she is, is NOT going to hear a submission from an unrepresented, unproven wanna-be scriptwriter, no matter how enthusiastic a Peabody fan the writer may be. In fact, if you 'were' to bother to actually send a fanfic idea in, it will most likely end up being returned - unread! There are Sound Legal Reasons for this! Too many would-be writers out there are simply not willing to accept the concept that their ideas are NOT unique, and they are all too willing to potentially sue a studio for plagiarism if they see any professional story fragment that looks anything like their own. I'm sorry, boys and girls, but long story short - unless you are a union-represented screenwriter who has already proven that you can write, work to format and meet the deadlines, then your 'fanfic script,' quite frankly, doesn't have a prayer.

Sorry to be so blunt, everyone, but - that's Hollywood, and that's the way it works!
Geneva chapter 1 . 10/3/2015
Could you watch an episode and put it as a fanfic story
Mitchell Movie Productions chapter 2 . 10/5/2015
I might not watch the show.
jerry.tiberlake864 chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
I'm kinda agreed with guess, I have seen a sneak peek video on web its about bumblebeard 1 minutes video .I don't know why but it make me kinda disappointed. Cuz I expect much more than this regarding to the sneak peek video. Well.. for now I already pre ordered the original score this new show
Guest chapter 2 . 9/27/2015
Latest press releases have dropped the "New" from the title. It's now simply "The Mr. Peabody and Sherman Show." And don't tell me that Ty Burrell 'couldn't appear.' If Ariel Winter can take time out from "Modern Family" to voice two roles for Disney Junior ("Jake/Neverland Pirates" and "Sofia The First,") then Burrell could take time to voice Peabody again...if Dreamworks were willing to pay him! My feeling is that the producers simply couldn't afford to hire Burrell - 2D Flash animation smacks of a relatively low budget.
My opinion...? No Burrell No Winter No Penny NO INTEREST!
jerry.tiberlake864 chapter 2 . 9/28/2015
Holly cow...!, I can't wait for the premiere date #exciting #TNMPASS2015
Shinigamilover2 chapter 2 . 9/27/2015
I heard they'd adapt fanfiction stories into episodes for this episode. Or maybe that's just a rumor
BlueAardmanDreamworksfan123 chapter 1 . 8/20/2015
YES! Why am I so excited? 1. I love Mr. Peabody and Sherman. 2. I heard about them ordering 78 episodes, but didn't know if they were messing with me on Wikipedia. 3. I fell in love with the movie ever since I saw the very first trailer. I got into the TV show a little, but like the movie better. 4. I love animated films and TV shows. And 5. Did I mention I LOVE MR. PEABODY AND SHERMAN! And I can't believe it comes out in my birthday month, October. It will be a early birthday present for me! Thank you for putting this out there. Too bad Ty Burrell won't be in it :(
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