Reviews for While Shepherds Watched
Teldra chapter 1 . 8/10/2006
Lovely :)
Hikata chapter 1 . 5/28/2005
Wow! You're just one great author. This is another story of yours that I really enjoyed. Awesome job!
Clear Skies chapter 1 . 7/1/2003
Oh god, you have to stop doing this.

Because my keyboard's getting wet, and I've only had it a few days...

God, I should know better than to surf your fics when I'm in a crying mood. Your settings are always so perfect; there's this shining quality to your fics that just screams 'perfection'.

You can't leave. Please. Whatever the site's done, however much FFN doesn't deserve you (and it doesn't; you deserve some million-dollar writing contract somewhere) please don't leave. There are some of us here who couldn't live, and couldn't cry, without you...
Mystik-chan chapter 1 . 6/5/2003
*grin* Gotta love slash. I'm dying from the warm and fuzzy feeling that I'm getting right now...but yeah! It's great! *three thumbs up* heh.
FracturedCrystalRose chapter 1 . 5/4/2003
well.. i'm suppose to be working n a characerization essay for wuthering heights, but this fic kept coming back to haunt me, just beging to be reviewed..

me: i have to work

fic: you must review me!

me: but..

fic: *pouting*

me: well, you were really wonderful

fic: you think so?

me: i actually gave up finding writing that good on months ago, so you were a of a shock. a good one mind.

fic: *preening*

me: *sighs* okay, i'll review you

fic: yay!

And it is you know, a truly wonderful piece of writing. now, back to the drama and darkness of the inner workings of Hindley Earnshaw's mind..

It was really, really good though...

essay: work on me! NOW!
Kitai Shinsei chapter 1 . 4/3/2003
*Stares starry-eyed at fic* Aww...Kawaii...*remembers that this is not anime* I mean aww...Cute...PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE CONTINUE!
Ilay chapter 1 . 3/5/2003
Whe!That was amazingly sweet!~_~
Agiel chapter 1 . 2/19/2003
Oh, this was wonderful! Thank you so much for writing it! You have Susan Cooper's lyrical descriptive tone down so well, and the added touches of Welsh and solid characterization are icing on the cake. This is the best Bran/Will I have ever, ever read (not that there's much out there, sadly). Please write more for the DIR fandom!
Sam Davidson chapter 1 . 1/3/2003
Very nice, and Nadolig llawen to you too. Thanks for the lovely gift!
NemKess chapter 1 . 12/29/2002
Lovely as always!
m.e chapter 1 . 12/29/2002
Gawd that was so sweet ). I can't seem to stop smiling from the warm-and-fuzzy feeling of it all.
Rhapsody chapter 1 . 12/29/2002
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH - slashy goodness _. *glomps
Pedagogue chapter 1 . 12/28/2002
Sweet. I really like the writing. It's very vivid. Great job.