Reviews for Heroes' Unwanted Reward
Ill-Fated-Wish chapter 21 . 7/20/2019
This is so goooood! God-level tier of fanfic I'm telling u... I've reread this after soooo long and I forgot how wonderful a writer you are! I really whole-heartedly hope u finish this soon or in the future! I love it so much! Also, what's your username in Archive? I'd love to read your work there too! :D
DJmiso chapter 21 . 4/1/2019
bruh, this story was THE BEST i have ever read! in so long! i am so happy i got to read this masterpiece! i even read it during work (and i was not supposed to do that, but this was worth it if i got fired, LOL). i got weird looks when i laughed at some of things (especially kanda PACKING HIM LUNCH; that was both cute and hilarious because allen was SO CONFUSED and kanda was frigging embarrassed and being all cute). can you PLEASE continue this story? it’s so good and i would hate to see something like this go to waste and never get finished. aaaaahhhh, i love it.
Allen-kun-MelloK chapter 21 . 8/12/2018
OH-MY-GOD, this storie is sooooo good! I read all the 21 chapters all at once, can’t even stop to go to bed before I finished it. I loved the way how you mixed there present lives with their old memories and all that, it’s interesting and it give some suspense about what happen to Allen and Kanda back then and how it gonna finish between them in the present. I loved how you express theirs mixed feelings, emotions and reactions about what they are thinking and doing ( and were in the past too). You know how to keep your storie interesting and continue it without given righ away the punch, I like that! It’s keep us on edge to say: omg what gonna happen next or omg is he gonna do it finally and stuff like that. Thanks for those beautiful chapters, I can’t wait to see the next one! :D
Yu Okawa chapter 1 . 4/19/2018
hi!, I really like your history, english is not my martenal language, actually I try to improve my english skills and it is very nice practice reading your beautiful fanfic. I love it! please update again, I'll reading you. I hope you can understand this, it's very difficult for me writing in english but I really wanted you can know how much I like your fanfic.
Eli Clark chapter 21 . 4/15/2018
I don't mind you replying via PM. This chapter was nice, and Allen is having an emotional crisis! Poor Allen.
ZacckFairy chapter 21 . 4/15/2018
You don't even know why but Kanda's fine with it so why are you being such a butt. Just ask him what happened you idiot. There is no point in you suffering in unwanted ignorance bc you scared of what he'll think. I mean it's Kanda boi how much worse can it get? You already resort to physical blows and biting words and he already "hates" you right? SO JUST ASK HIM. JUST ASK HIM OMG ALLEN.
Well, I'm getting more frustrated with Allen and so is Kanda and I hope they both explode soon and it'll be out in the open. Kanda doesn't want to make him close himself off more so he's trying to not take it too far too fast and Allen is like "oh he might like me that's worse bc I'm a terrible excuse for a living creature" and I'm like Al you are assuming shit again. Like seriously, why do you assume it was your fault Kanda died? Just because he chose to follow you? That was his choice and he should beat you up for blaming yourself. Honestly Allen's self-blame/guilt thing is ridiculous and a coping mechanism which is terrible please help him Kanda.
I can only see this exploding before it's resolved.
Okay you know Azu I really love how every time something goes down and I'm like "omg this is it this is when stuff will happen" but then at the last second it doesn't and im like "... wait a minute..." and the chapter ends and I just sit there shook for like a minute and I'm like OMG WAIT YOU DID NOT JUST-
Yeah this is quite the ride you're creating.
I wanted to ask abt last chapter bc I forgot to on the review for last chapter... *whispers* The thing where Kanda says "He should have just kissed Allen" (something along those lines it's not an accurate quote) does that come partially from our convo that one time?
I feel like this is leading up to something big soon hnnngggg
I can't waaaiiitt
As always thank you for the chapter!
ZacckFairy chapter 20 . 4/15/2018
I really like that this chapter was Kanda's POV because I think I had a good grasp of Allen's mental state (sort of) even tho the reason(s) is still ambiguous with Allen. Seeing a peek of what Kanda is thinking really gets things going for me and I really like seeing Kanda's straightforwardness in contrast to Allen hiding.
I really liked the scene of Allen avoiding Kanda in the balcony convo where Allen keeps cutting Kanda off and assuming things from Kanda's POV bc I was actually seeing the scene play out quite clearly and it may not have been as obvious if it was Allen's POV bc it would have been more concentrated on Allen trying to throw Kanda off and panicking in his head than Kanda actually giving his thoughts on the matter.
Also yes Allen is an idiot. I also overthink things and over-complicate them so I'm always having a hard time with the simplest of things so I know where Allen is coming from and that lowkey pisses me off lol
No wonder Kanda is so done with him and Allen is probably done with himself too lmao
I think actions are a better way for Kanda to express himself because he's also an idiot, but Allen is the type who appreciates words so hmmm... Yeah Kankan should just kiss Al and use his shookness to actually yell the stuff he wants him to know bc Al is till blocking him out from fear of something.
Since trying to do it Allen's way sorta isn't working out for you Kankan you should just do it your way. Allen is way more honest with you when he believes there's no way you can hate him more than you already do so please set my smol boi straight. OH WAIT SORRY YOU CAN'T
Sorry those straight puns are bad I hope you cringe because I'm not actually sorry.
Guest chapter 20 . 4/9/2018
Really fantastic chapter. Please please update again soon! :)
Guest chapter 20 . 4/9/2018
Kanda keeps on telling himself that Allen needs help but the way he deal with this is really wired I don't know what he want from Allen like I mean he's so casual with the idea of kissing and fucking him yet didn't actually talk about how he feels about him
Eli Clark chapter 20 . 4/8/2018
Now I want to know more about Benjamin. Like, how he interacts with Allen and why he hates his brother. I also want him to see how Kanda and Allen interact. Kanda should get a name change, since his parents hate him and he hates his current name. Some people do that in real life, you know. He can rename himself Kanda Yuu. He has that privilege, the others like Lenalee and Allen don't. Oh, and is Lavi gonna show up at some point?
Guest chapter 19 . 4/1/2018
We need to know what Kanda thought of the saturation between Stave and Aplen when he saw them
ZacckFairy chapter 19 . 3/31/2018
"Allen might as well have been slapped" I was drinking bubble tea and almost did a spit take omg love this line
"Yes we should stop pissing me off" Ahaha that's great omg I laughed hard at that. Also the image of Allen being dragged and stumbling backwords is beautiful lmao
Kankan being concerned in his own Kankan way is so cuuuutttee
LMAO he compared his glare to Kanda's. This boi needs to stop being in denail already
Yes Allen you are hopeless I'm glad you realize this
Still chooses to ignore it tho lol
Oh is Steve a Yullen shipper now? Or should I be worried he'll be a snake later? I'm betting on the latter but I guess I'll find out eventually
Oh Allen just accept it already. I mean it's kinda sad that Kanda is accepting of his feelings but ur being a furball and running away (Kankan is right to an extent I feel)
Azu thank you for the wonderful chapter once again! I really enjoyed reading it!
klaudiusz6669 chapter 18 . 3/30/2018
I want you to know, that i found your fanfic about two (or three?) years ago. I just couldn't believe how you hit all my weak spots. If perfect target for this fanfiction exists, thats definitely me. This topic just... ugh thinking about having second chance to live your life makes me cry everytime, and you gave this chance my two favourite character r. I don't know why, but I FELT that you're going to start writing again, so i kept chcecking for update 2-3 times a month, all this time.
And I'm writing this, becouse i checked for update today and it was here next second :"")
You're making me happy even when i have the worst times in my life, I know that it sounds silly, but it's true. I have art school exam next week - the most serious exam in my life, and i needed a break. Im extremely stressed out. AND GUESS WHAT, YOUR ART IS HERE FOR ME :''')
/IM SO SO SO SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH, i just really wanted to let you know how thankful I am.
Have a nice day 3
And life
And maybe second one :")
klaudiusz6669 chapter 19 . 3/30/2018
Haha i felt that you would update and you did XD
ZacckFairy chapter 18 . 3/25/2018
You wrote "strong-looking tights" and I assume you meant thighs from the context.
I am sobbing Azu. I outright laughed at Allen enjoying the eye-candy and trying to deny still. I like how you keep the very fine balance between Allen wanting to just openly like Kanda and him denying it for various complicated reasons. It must be hard to get that balance just right and you're doing an amazing job! One minute I'm like 'oh he's finally giving in!' and then the next minute I'm like 'nope nvm false alarm Azu that snake' so yeah really amazing work right there. It keeps me engaged as a reader even if time is moving slowly. I like how it's a different situation every time too; keeps things fresh while developing their relationship.
I'm really impressed with the pacing too because the relationship isn't rushing (it must be hard trying not to rush to the good stuff) and the slower pace is filled with that balance I was just talking about.
Seriously Azure this fic makes my day whenever I read it
Good god this is... idk I probably pity Allen's denial at this point bc this boi needs to just confess omg he's making himself sad with that fantasizing.
oh btw i forgot to mention but I write the review as I read so you're getting real time reactions.
"He congratulated himself that he even noticed what Kanda was doing" I DIED BRO OMG SAME
I love how much attention Allen is giving Kanda's hair. I love it to Allen
Kanda is so Lawful Good it's hilarious tbh
"out of breath for double reasons" I snorted. I actually snorted.
Allen is having a day of realizations lmao. Allen you knew all this you were just pretending you didn't notice. I'm almost sure he'll conveniently stop acknowledging his realizations when it suits his fancy lol
"Kanda's face and neck covered in a faint sheen of sweat were more than destructive enough. Minimal interaction was the wisest choice." I lost it at this line omg boi I laughed so hard
I'm super intrigued by the past that's haunting Allen and him "knowing" about it rather than living it bc of the 14th
"The whole morning was one huge jerk-off material" ahaha that's a good line omg
OOhhh Allen's self-control is wavering *evil smile* I can't wait
*Whispers* Allen your sadistic side is showing
Yo boiiii I'm even more intrigued now bc everything Allen was saying was a reason that he shouldn't get close to Kanda sounded as an excuse then he said there's another reason and I'm like oh the real real reason is the only hidden one probably bc even after masturbating Allen is still holding onto that denial like a lifeline and it has got me SO CURIOUS
I'm so excited for the next chapter!
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